The University of Alabama Press
As the scholarly publishing arm of the university, The University of Alabama Press serves as an agent in the advancement of learning and the dissemination of scholarship. The Press applies the highest standards to all phases of publishing including acquisitions, editorial, production, and marketing.UAP has won numerous awards for its publications over the years and has developed a solid list of titles in archaeology, public administration, and several areas of literature and history. With a staff of 17, the Press publishes between 80 to 85 books a year and has a backlist of approximately 1,800 titles in print.
Showing 761-800 of 2,007 items.
Theories of Forgetting
By Lance Olsen
University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2
Theories of Forgetting is concerned with how words matter, the materiality of the page, and how a literary work might react against mass reproduction and textual disembodiment in the digital age.
- Copyright year: 2014
The Island Called Paradise
Cuba in History, Literature, and the Arts
University of Alabama Press
A personal and cultural mediation, Philip D. Beidler’s The Island Called Paradise explores the fascinating ways Cuban history and culture have permeated North American consciousness, and vice versa.
- Copyright year: 2014
The Border Crossed Us
Rhetorics of Borders, Citizenship, and Latina/o Identity
University of Alabama Press
Explores efforts to restrict and expand notions of US citizenship as they relate specifically to the US-Mexico border and Latina/o identity
- Copyright year: 2013
Reading the Difficulties
Dialogues with Contemporary American Innovative Poetry
Edited by Thomas Fink and Judith Halden-Sullivan
University of Alabama Press
The bold essays that make up Reading the Difficulties offer case studies in and strategies for reading innovative poetry.
- Copyright year: 2013
Quince Duncan
Writing Afro-Costa Rican and Caribbean Identity
University of Alabama Press
Quince Duncan is a comprehensive study of the published short stories and novels of Costa Rica’s first novelist of African descent and one of the nation’s most esteemed contemporary writers.
- Copyright year: 2013
Panic Fiction
Women and Antebellum Economic Crisis
By Mary Templin
University of Alabama Press
Panic Fiction explores a unique body of antebellum American women’s writing that illuminates women’s relationships to the marketplace and the links between developing ideologies of domesticity and the formation of an American middle class.
- Copyright year: 2014
Green Gold
Alabama's Forests and Forest Industries
University of Alabama Press
Green Gold is a thorough and valuable compilation of information on Alabama’s timber and forest products industry, the largest manufacturing industry in the state.
- Copyright year: 2014
Contradiction and Conflict
The Popular Church in Nicaragua
By Debra Sabia
University of Alabama Press
Sabia examines the complex interaction of religious belief and political inspiration among internal divisions of Nicaragua's popular church.
- Copyright year: 2013
Contemporaries and Snobs
University of Alabama Press
This new edition of Contemporaries and Snobs, a landmark collection of essays by Laura Riding, offers a counter-history of high modernist poetics.
- Copyright year: 2014
The Kidnapping and Murder of Little Skeegie Cash
J. Edgar Hoover and Florida's Lindbergh Case
University of Alabama Press
Informed by thousands of pages of newly released FBI files, The Kidnapping and Murder of Little Skeegie Cash tells the gripping story of the only crime investigated by J. Edgar Hoover himself, the sensational 1938 murder of a five-year-old boy from the Florida Everglades.
- Copyright year: 2014
Artistic Liberties
American Literary Realism and Graphic Illustration, 1880-1905
University of Alabama Press
A landmark study of the illustrations that originally accompanied now-classic works of American literary realism
- Copyright year: 2013
Caribbean Literary Discourse
Voice and Cultural Identity in the Anglophone Caribbean
University of Alabama Press
A study of the multicultural, multilingual, and Creolized languages that characterize Caribbean discourse, especially as reflected in the language choices that preoccupy creative writers
- Copyright year: 2013
Race and Culture in New Orleans Stories
Kate Chopin, Grace King, Alice Dunbar-Nelson, and George Washington Cable
By James Nagel
University of Alabama Press
Race and Culture in New Orleans Stories posits that the Crescent City and the surrounding Louisiana bayous were a logical setting for the literary exploration of crucial social problems in America.
- Copyright year: 2013
This Bright Light of Ours
Stories from the Voting Rights Fight
By Maria Gitin; Foreword by Lewis V. Baldwin
University of Alabama Press
Combining memoir with oral history, creates a vivid and searing portrait of the Freedom Summer of 1965
- Copyright year: 2014
Secrecy and Insurgency
Socialities and Knowledge Practices in Guatemala
University of Alabama Press
Secrecy and Insurgency deals with the experiences of guerrilla combatants of the Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes (Rebel Armed Forces) in the aftermath of the peace accords signed in December 1996 between the Guatemalan government and guerrilla insurgents.
- Copyright year: 2014
Language Variety in the South Revisited
University of Alabama Press
Top linguists from diverse fields address language varieties in the South.
Theatre Symposium, Vol. 21
Ritual, Religion, and Theatre
Edited by Edward Bert Wallace
University of Alabama Press
Volume 21 of Theatre Symposium presents essays that explore the intricate and vital relationships between theatre, religion, and ritual.
- Copyright year: 2013
Bishops, Bourbons, and Big Mules
A History of the Episcopal Church in Alabama
University of Alabama Press
Tells the story of how the Episcopal Church gained influence over Alabama’s cultural, political, and economic arenas despite being a denominational minority in the state
- Copyright year: 2013
Playing House in the American West
Western Women’s Life Narratives, 1839-1987
University of Alabama Press
Examines an eclectic group of western women’s autobiographical texts—canonical and otherwise—Playing House in the American West argues for a distinct regional literary tradition characterized by strategic representations of unconventional domestic life
- Copyright year: 2013
Southern Wonder
Alabama's Surprising Biodiversity
By R. Scot Duncan; Foreword by Edward O. Wilson
University of Alabama Press
Southern Wonder explores Alabama’s amazing biological diversity, the reasons for the large number of species in the state, and the importance of their preservation.
- Copyright year: 2013
The Journal of Sarah Haynsworth Gayle, 1827–1835
A Substitute for Social Intercourse
University of Alabama Press
The remarkable journal of the young wife of early Alabama governor John Gayle and a primary source of our knowledge about early Alabama and the antebellum American South
- Copyright year: 2013
A Small but Spartan Band
The Florida Brigade in Lee's Army of Northern Virginia
University of Alabama Press
A unit that saw significant action in many of the engagements of the Civil War’s eastern theater.
- Copyright year: 2013
Soapbox Rebellion
The Hobo Orator Union and the Free Speech Fights of the Industrial Workers of the World, 1909-1916
University of Alabama Press
Soapbox Rebellion, a new critical history of the free speech fights of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), illustrates how the lively and colorful soapbox culture of the “Wobblies” generated novel forms of class struggle.
- Copyright year: 2013
Jazz in the Time of the Novel
The Temporal Politics of American Race and Culture
University of Alabama Press
Jazz in the Time of the Novel argues that a culture’s understanding of the concept of time plays a central role in its economic, social, and aesthetic affairs and that a culture arrives at its conception of time through its artistic practices.
- Copyright year: 2013
Technology and Culture in Twentieth-Century Mexico
Edited by Araceli Tinajero and J. Brian Freeman; Introduction by Araceli Tinajero and J. Brian Freeman
University of Alabama Press
Technology and Culture in Twentieth-Century Mexico offers a novel approach to Mexican studies by considering the complex relationship between technology, politics, society, and culture.
- Copyright year: 2013
Mother Box and Other Tales
University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2
The eleven stories and one novella of Mother Box, and Other Tales bring together everyday reality and something that is dramatically not in compelling narratives of new possibilities.
- Copyright year: 2013
Eclipse of Empires
World History in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature and Culture
University of Alabama Press
Eclipse of Empires analyzes the nineteenth-century American fascination with what Patricia Jane Roylance calls “narratives of imperial eclipse,” texts that depict the surpassing of one great civilization by another.
- Copyright year: 2013
Walt Whitman and Nineteenth-Century Women Reformers
University of Alabama Press
Ceniza provides a dramatic rereading of Walt Whitman's poetry through the lens of 19th-century feminist culture.
Rhetoric and the Republic
Politics, Civic Discourse, and Education in Early America
University of Alabama Press
Casts a revealing light on modern cultural conflicts through the lens of rhetorical education.
- Copyright year: 2007
Race and Displacement
Nation, Migration, and Identity in the Twenty-First Century
Edited by Maha Marouan and Merinda Simmons; Foreword by Houston A. Baker Jr.; Introduction by Philip D. Beidler; Afterword by Trudier Harris
University of Alabama Press
Race and Displacement captures a timely set of discussions about the roles of race in displacement, forced migrations, nation and nationhood, and the way continuous movements of people challenge fixed racial definitions.
- Copyright year: 2013
A Francesca Fruscella Mystery
University of Alabama Press, Fiction Collective 2
On the surface a murder mystery—a detective’s search for the killer of five people in Denver—Expectation is also, among other things, a meditation on the relationship between language and music.
- Copyright year: 2013
From a Love of History
The A. S. Williams III Americana Collection at the University of Alabama
By Stephen M. Rowe; Foreword by Wayne Flynt
University of Alabama Press
A handsome, richly illustrated guide to the A. S. Williams III Americana Collection at the University of Alabama, From a Love of History introduces one of the most important archives of southern history and literature ever gathered in one place.
- Copyright year: 2013
The Life of Selina Campbell
A Fellow Soldier in the Cause of Restoration
University of Alabama Press
This first biography of Selina Campbell opens a window onto the experience of women in one of the most dynamic religious groups of 19th-century America
- Copyright year: 2001
"Fear God and Walk Humbly"
The Agricultural Journal of James Mallory, 1843-1877
University of Alabama Press
A detailed journal of local, national, and foreign news, agricultural activities, the weather, and family events, from an uncommon Southerner
- Copyright year: 1997
Laboring to Play
Home Entertainment and the Spectacle of Middle-Class Cultural Life, 1850-1920
University of Alabama Press
A compelling analysis of how "middling" Americans entertained themselves and how these entertainments changed over time.
The University of Alabama
A Guide to the Campus and Its Architecture
University of Alabama Press
The University of Alabama: A Guide to the Campusand Its Architecture is a richly illustrated guidebook to the architecture and development of the University of Alabama’s campus as it has evolved over the last two centuries.
- Copyright year: 2013
Aymara Indian Perspectives on Development in the Andes
University of Alabama Press
Explores the relationship between indigenous people, the management of natural resources, and the development process in a modernizing region of Chile
- Copyright year: 2013
We Are All Americans, Pure and Simple
Theodore Roosevelt and the Myth of Americanism
University of Alabama Press
By focusing on Roosevelt’s rhetorical constructions of national identity, as opposed to his personal exploits or his role as a policy maker, We Are All Americans offers new insights into Roosevelt’s use of public discourse to bind the nation together during one of the most polarized periods in its history.
- Copyright year: 2008
A Florida Fiddler
The Life and Times of Richard Seaman
University of Alabama Press
A musical life as glorious metaphor for Florida's cultural landscape
- Copyright year: 2007
Escaping Hitler
A Jewish Haven in Chile
University of Alabama Press
Escaping Hitler is the personal story of Eva Wyman and her family’s escape from Nazi Germany to Chile in the sociohistorical context of 1930s and 1940s, a time when the Chilean Nazi party had an active presence in the country’s major institutions.
- Copyright year: 2013
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