A History of Migration from Germany to Canada, 1850-1939
Considers why Germans left their home country, why they chose to settle in Canada, who assisted their passage, and how they crossed the ocean to their new home, as well as how the Canadian government perceived and solicited them as immigrants.
Law and Citizenship
The essays this volume provide a framework for analyzing citizenship in an increasingly globalized world by addressing a number of fundamental questions.
Sanctuary, Sovereignty, Sacrifice
Canadian Sanctuary Incidents, Power, and Law
Facing immediate deportation, a lone Guatemalan migrant entered sanctuary in a Montreal church in December 1983. Thus began the practice of sanctuary in Canada.
Multicultural Nationalism
Civilizing Difference, Constituting Community
Canada's national question is self-defeating: attempts to constitute a Canadian political community generate polarizing and depoliticizing deliberations.
Cross-Cultural Caring, 2nd ed.
A Handbook for Health Professionals
This new edition provides up-to-date statistics and fresh analysis of changing trends in immigration, describes ethno-cultural community, discussing such issues as childbirth, mental illness, dental care, hospitalization, and death, as well as home country culture, common reasons for emigrating, and challenges in adjusting to a new culture.
Securing Borders
Detention and Deportation in Canada
A close look at the laws, policies, and practices of detention and deportation in Canada since the Second World War.
Humanitarianism, Identity, and Nation
Migration Laws in Canada and Australia
Catherine Dauvergne examines the relationship between migration laws and national identities and highlights the role of humanitarianism in this linkage.
Negotiated Memory
Doukhobor Autobiographical Discourse
This demonstrates how the Doukhobors employed both “classic” and alternative forms of autobiography to communicate their views about communal living, vegetarianism, activism, and spiritual life, as well as to pass on traditions to successive generations.
The Oriental Question
Consolidating a White Man's Province, 1914-41
Patricia E. Roy continues her study into why British Columbians were historically so opposed to Asian immigration.