Showing 41-50 of 98 items.

Oral History at the Crossroads

Sharing Life Stories of Survival and Displacement

UBC Press

Drawing on a collaborative research project, this book provides an alternative model for how oral and public histories should be recorded and curated.

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The Voyage of the Komagata Maru

The Sikh Challenge to Canada's Colour Bar, Expanded and Fully Revised Edition

UBC Press

A sweeping revision and reconsideration of the Komagata Maru incident as a defining moment in Canadian, British Empire, and Indian history.

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Recognition versus Self-Determination

Dilemmas of Emancipatory Politics

UBC Press

This book re-evaluates the role of recognition in analyzing relations between groups in plural societies, the position of indigenous peoples in settler societies, and the principle of the self-determination of peoples.

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According to Baba

A Collaborative Oral History of Sudbury’s Ukrainian Community

UBC Press

This book employs new and critical approaches to oral history to write an insightful and deeply personal history of Sudbury’s Ukrainian community between 1901 and 1939.

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Segmented Cities?

How Urban Contexts Shape Ethnic and Nationalist Politics

UBC Press

This book examines how urbanization and pluralization are shaping the world’s cities and what can be done to encourage integration and minimize ethnic and nationalist tensions.

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Mission Invisible

Race, Religion, and News at the Dawn of the 9/11 Era

UBC Press

By unravelling the discourse and rhetoric of news coverage in Canada at the dawn of the 9/11 era, this book not only uncovers racist representations of Muslim communities but also reveals the discursive processes that rendered this racism invisible.

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Pinay on the Prairies

Filipino Women and Transnational Identities

UBC Press

An investigation into the experiences of Filipino women in Canada’s Prairie provinces, which reveals much about their understanding of transnational identities, feminism, migration, diaspora, and the rubric of multiculturalism.

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Photography, Memory, and Refugee Identity

The Voyage of the SS Walnut, 1948

UBC Press

A nuanced look at the relationship between memory and photography as reflected in the experiences of Estonian refugees en route to Canada aboard the SS Walnut in 1948.

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Targeted Transnationals

The State, the Media, and Arab Canadians

UBC Press

This book shows how, in the post-9/11 era, Arab Canadians have become “targeted transnationals” through racialized immigration and security policies as well as negative media representations that legitimize their homogenization and racialization.

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Canadian Liberalism and the Politics of Border Control, 1867-1967

UBC Press

This book chronicles the first century of Canadian border control, revealing how policies have been influenced by changing perceptions of the rights of non-citizens.

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