Showing 31-40 of 92 items.

Mixed Race Amnesia

Resisting the Romanticization of Multiraciality

UBC Press

Mixed Race Amnesia explores how contemporary “progressive” attitudes toward multiraciality actually serve to obscure complex diasporic family histories while reinforcing colonialism.

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African Canadians in Union Blue

Volunteering for the Cause in the Civil War

UBC Press

A landmark account of the background, motivations, and experiences of African Canadian volunteers in America’s Civil War.

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Diasporic Chineseness after the Rise of China

Communities and Cultural Production

UBC Press

Leading international scholars examine the production of culture during China’s rise to global superpower in the last quarter of a century.

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Cultivating Connections

The Making of Chinese Prairie Canada

UBC Press

The voices of Chinese immigrants who settled in the pre-1950s Canadian prairies come alive in this extraordinary record of migration, settlement, and community life.

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The Muslim Question in Canada

A Story of Segmented Integration

UBC Press

This book offers a fresh account of the socio-economic experiences of Muslims in Canada, drawing on the newest data sources available.

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Oral History at the Crossroads

Sharing Life Stories of Survival and Displacement

UBC Press

Drawing on a collaborative research project, this book provides an alternative model for how oral and public histories should be recorded and curated.

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The Voyage of the Komagata Maru

The Sikh Challenge to Canada's Colour Bar, Expanded and Fully Revised Edition

UBC Press

A sweeping revision and reconsideration of the Komagata Maru incident as a defining moment in Canadian, British Empire, and Indian history.

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Recognition versus Self-Determination

Dilemmas of Emancipatory Politics

UBC Press

This book re-evaluates the role of recognition in analyzing relations between groups in plural societies, the position of indigenous peoples in settler societies, and the principle of the self-determination of peoples.

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According to Baba

A Collaborative Oral History of Sudbury’s Ukrainian Community

UBC Press

This book employs new and critical approaches to oral history to write an insightful and deeply personal history of Sudbury’s Ukrainian community between 1901 and 1939.

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Segmented Cities?

How Urban Contexts Shape Ethnic and Nationalist Politics

UBC Press

This book examines how urbanization and pluralization are shaping the world’s cities and what can be done to encourage integration and minimize ethnic and nationalist tensions.

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