Showing 11-20 of 34 items.

Diasporic Media beyond the Diaspora

Korean Media in Vancouver and Los Angeles

UBC Press

Diasporic Media beyond the Diaspora moves past the conventional understanding of diasporic media as being for only diasporic communities to evaluate its broader role as media for all members of society.

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Trans-Pacific Mobilities

The Chinese and Canada

Edited by Lloyd L. Wong
UBC Press

As China’s international influence grows, this timely collection reveals how the global movement of the country’s people, culture, information, and economy continues to shape Canadian cities and China itself.

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Not Fit to Stay

Public Health Panics and South Asian Exclusion

UBC Press

Not Fit to Stay reveals how officials used panic about public health concerns as a basis for excluding early twentieth-century South Asian immigrants from entering Canada and the United States.

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From Slave Girls to Salvation

Gender, Race, and Victoria’s Chinese Rescue Home, 1886-1923

UBC Press

A fascinating and critical study of the Chinese Rescue Home, an iconic institution in Victoria, BC, where members of the Women’s Missionary Society taught domestic skills to Chinese and Japanese women believed to be prostitutes, slave girls, or to be at risk of falling into these roles.

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Remembering the Samsui Women

Migration and Social Memory in Singapore and China

UBC Press

A study of the Samsui women who migrated from China to Singapore, where they have been commemorated as nation-builders.

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The Business of Culture

Cultural Entrepreneurs in China and Southeast Asia, 1900-65

UBC Press

The first critical analysis of Chinese “cultural entrepreneurs,” businesspeople whose entrepreneurial endeavours in China and Southeast Asia the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries transformed the cultural sphere.

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Diasporic Chineseness after the Rise of China

Communities and Cultural Production

UBC Press

Leading international scholars examine the production of culture during China’s rise to global superpower in the last quarter of a century.

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Cultivating Connections

The Making of Chinese Prairie Canada

UBC Press

The voices of Chinese immigrants who settled in the pre-1950s Canadian prairies come alive in this extraordinary record of migration, settlement, and community life.

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The Voyage of the Komagata Maru

The Sikh Challenge to Canada's Colour Bar, Expanded and Fully Revised Edition

UBC Press

A sweeping revision and reconsideration of the Komagata Maru incident as a defining moment in Canadian, British Empire, and Indian history.

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Pinay on the Prairies

Filipino Women and Transnational Identities

UBC Press

An investigation into the experiences of Filipino women in Canada’s Prairie provinces, which reveals much about their understanding of transnational identities, feminism, migration, diaspora, and the rubric of multiculturalism.

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