The University of Arizona Press is the premier publisher of academic, regional, and literary works in the state of Arizona. They disseminate ideas and knowledge of lasting value that enrich understanding, inspire curiosity, and enlighten readers. They advance the University of Arizona’s mission by connecting scholarship and creative expression to readers worldwide.
Ready Player Juan
Latinx Masculinities and Stereotypes in Video Games
This book fuses Latinx studies and video game studies to document how Latinx masculinities are portrayed in high-budget action-adventure video games. Developing an original approach to video game experiences, the author theorizes video games as border crossings, and defines a new concept—digital mestizaje—that pushes players, readers, and scholars to deploy a Latinx way of seeing constructive as well as destructive qualities.
Landscapes and Social Transformations on the Northwest Coast
Colonial Encounters in the Fraser Valley
Construction of Maya Space
Causeways, Walls, and Open Areas from Ancient to Modern Times
This volume focuses on how powerful people of the ancient, historical, and contemporary periods in the Maya world used features such as walls, roads, rails, and symbolic boundaries to control those without power—and how the powerless pushed back.
Our Hidden Landscapes
Indigenous Stone Ceremonial Sites in Eastern North America
Our Hidden Landscapes introduces people to eastern North America’s Indigenous ceremonial stone landscapes (CSLs)—sacred sites whose principal identifying characteristics are built stone structures that cluster within specific physical landscapes. This volume presents these often unrecognized sites as significant cultural landscapes in need of protection and preservation. Chapters from Indigenous community members, archaeologists, and anthropologists provide a variety of approaches for better understanding, protecting, and preserving these important sacred spaces.
Navajo Homeland
This anthology of essays offers Diné perspectives on the experiences, observations, and examinations of their homeland. Together, the contributors thoughtfully illustrate the complex state of nihikéyah, “our land,” as viewed by Diné people.
Living and Leaving
A Social History of Regional Depopulation in Thirteenth-Century Mesa Verde
In the Arms of Saguaros
Iconography of the Giant Cactus
In the Arms of Saguaros pictures how nature’s sharpest curves became a symbol of the American West. From the botanical explorers of the nineteenth century to the tourism boosters in our own time, saguaros and their images have fulfilled attention-getting needs and expectations.
Bringing Home the Wild
A Riparian Garden in a Southwest City
Bringing Home the Wild follows a two-decade journey in ecologically guided urban gardening on a four-acre irrigated parcel in Phoenix, Arizona, from the perspective of a retired botanist and her science historian partner. Through humor and a playful use of language, the book not only introduces the plants who are feeding them, buffering the climate, and elevating their moods but also acknowledges the animals and fungi who are pollinating the plants and recycling the waste. This work shows all of us the importance of observing, appreciating, and learning from the ecosystems of which we are a part.
All That Rises
A Novel
Chicana Portraits
Critical Biographies of Twelve Chicana Writers
This innovative collection details critical biographies of twelve key Chicana writers, offering an engaging look at their work, contributions to the field, and major achievements. Portraits of the authors are each examined by a noted scholar, who delves deep into the authors’ lives for details that inform their literary, artistic, feminist, and political trajectories and sensibilities. What results is a brilliant intersection of visual and literary arts that explores themes of sexism and misogyny, the fragility of life, Chicana agency, and more.