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Showing 71-80 of 1,705 items.

Kneeling Before Corn

Recuperating More-than-Human Intimacies on the Salvadoran Milpa

The University of Arizona Press

Focusing on the intimate relations that develop between plants and humans in the northern rural region of El Salvador, this book explores the ways in which more-than-human intimacies travel away from and return to the milpa through human networks. The chapters present innovative methodological and conceptual contributions to the study of relationships that form between plants and people.

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Indigenous Science and Technology

Nahuas and the World Around Them

The University of Arizona Press

Indigenous Science and Technology focuses on how Nahuas have explored, understood, and explained the world around them in pre-invasion, colonial, and contemporary time periods.

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Border Killers

Neoliberalism, Necropolitics, and Mexican Masculinity

The University of Arizona Press

Focusing on both Mexico’s northern and southern borders, Border Killers uses Achille Mbembe’s concept of necropolitics and various theories of masculinity to argue that contemporary Mexico is home to a form of necropolitical masculinity that has flourished in the neoliberal era and made the exercise of death both profitable and necessary for the functioning of Mexico’s state-cartel-corporate governance matrix.

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Ancient Mesoamerican Population History

Urbanism, Social Complexity, and Change

The University of Arizona Press

Including research from both highland central Mexico and the tropical lowlands of the Maya and Olmec areas, this book reexamines demography in ancient Mesoamerica. Through new technology such as LiDAR (light detecting and ranging), the book provides new understandings of ancient Mesoamerican societies and how they changed over time.

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Five Suns

A Fire History of Mexico

The University of Arizona Press

Narrating Mexico’s evolution of fire through five eras—pre-human, pre-Hispanic, colonial, industrializing (1880–1980), and contemporary (1980–2015)—this volume relies on the myth of the “five suns” that the Aztecs used to characterize their history. It completes a North American trilogy of fire histories that also includes the United States and Canada.

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We Stay the Same

Subsistence, Logging, and Enduring Hopes for Development in Papua New Guinea

The University of Arizona Press

Written in a clear and relatable style for students, We Stay the Same combines ethnographic and ecological research to show how the people of New Hanover, Papua New Guinea, continue to survive and make meaningful lives in a situation where their own hopes for economic development via logging and commercial agriculture have often been used against them as a mechanism of a more distantly profitable dispossession.

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On a Trail of Southwest Discovery

The Expedition Diaries of Frederick W. Hodge and Margaret W. Magill, 1886–1888

The University of Arizona Press

This volume examines the Hemenway Southwestern Archaeological Expedition, directed by Frank Hamilton Cushing, through the diaries of two participants who fell in love on the expedition: the field secretary, Fred Hodge—who became a major figure in early twentieth-century anthropology—and the expedition artist, Margaret Magill. Divided into three parts, the book’s first two sections chronicle the field operations of the expedition, while the third part describes the anthropological career of Hodge after the end of the expedition.

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Ancient Communities in the Mimbres Valley

Continuity and Change from AD 750 to 1350

The University of Arizona Press

Spanning from the end of the Late Pithouse period through the Black Mountain phase, this volume contains the final report on the excavations of the Mimbres Foundation. The authors consider the nature of the relationship between the Classic Mimbres period population of the valley and the people of the succeeding Black Mountain phase, as well as relationships among the Black Mountain phase people and those of neighboring parts of the region.

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In a Wounded Land

Conservation, Extraction, and Human Well-Being in Coastal Tanzania

The University of Arizona Press

Focusing on the human element of marine conservation and the extractive industry in Tanzania, this volume illuminates what happens when impoverished people living in underdeveloped regions of Africa are suddenly subjected to state-directed conservation and natural resource extraction projects. Drawing on ethnographically rich case studies and vignettes, the book documents the impacts of these projects on local populations and their responses to these projects over a ten-year period.

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Writing that Matters

A Handbook for Chicanx and Latinx Studies

The University of Arizona Press

Writing that Matters is a handbook on the craft of research and writing in the fields of Chicanx and Latinx studies. Geared toward students, Heidenreich and Urquijo-Ruiz walk scholars through the critical roots of these fields. They provide step-by-step instructions and examples of how to produce quality Chicanx and Latinx history and literature papers, while centering feminist and queer writings to create scholarship that matters.

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