The University of Arizona Press is the premier publisher of academic, regional, and literary works in the state of Arizona. They disseminate ideas and knowledge of lasting value that enrich understanding, inspire curiosity, and enlighten readers. They advance the University of Arizona’s mission by connecting scholarship and creative expression to readers worldwide.
Showing 331-340 of 1,705 items.
Community-Based Participatory Research
Testimonios from Chicana/o Studies
Edited by Natalia Deeb-Sossa; Foreword by Louie F. Rodriguez
The University of Arizona Press
The first of its kind, Community-Based Participatory Research: Testimonios from Chicana/o Studies is a trailblazing collection of personal testimonies that showcase how understandings of community empowerment are incomplete as they have dismissed the variety of ways communities themselves have created social change strategies. In first-person accounts, Chicana/o researchers share their experience doing community-based participatory research (CBPR) praxis to illustrate its complexity and how it might be implemented to create sustainable change and community empowerment.
Bedouin Ethnobotany
Plant Concepts and Uses in a Desert Pastoral World
The University of Arizona Press
Transcontinental Dialogues
Activist Alliances with Indigenous Peoples of Canada, Mexico, and Australia
The University of Arizona Press
Transcontinental Dialogues presents innovative discussion, argument, and insight into the interactions between anthropologists and social researchers—both Indigenous and allies—as they negotiate together the terrain of the imposition of ongoing colonialism over Indigenous lives across three countries. The essays explore how scholars can recalibrate their moral, political, and intellectual actions to meet the obligations flowing from the decolonial alliances.
The Northeast
A Fire Survey
The University of Arizona Press
In this new book in the To the Last Smoke series, renowned fire expert Stephen J. Pyne narrates this history and explains how fire is returning to a place not usually thought of in America’s fire scene. He examines what changes in climate and land use mean for wildfire, what fire ecology means for cultural landscapes, and what experiments are underway to reintroduce fire to habitats that need it. The region’s great fires have gone; its influence on the national scene has not. The Northeast: A Fire Survey samples the historic and contemporary significance of the region and explains how it fits into a national cartography and narrative of fire.
Latin American Indigenous Warfare and Ritual Violence
Edited by Richard J. Chacon and Rubén G. Mendoza
The University of Arizona Press
Behind the Mask
Gender Hybridity in a Zapotec Community
The University of Arizona Press
Combines historical analysis, ethnographic field research, and interviews conducted with los muxes of Juchitán, a hybrid third gender, over a period of seven years. Sociologist Alfredo Mirandé observed community events, attended muxe velas, and interviewed both muxes and other Juchitán residents. Prefaced by an overview of the study methods and sample, the book challenges the ideology of a male-dominated Mexican society driven by the cult of machismo, featuring photos alongside four appendixes.
The Chicana Motherwork Anthology
Edited by Cecilia Caballero, Yvette Martínez-Vu, Judith Pérez-Torres, Michelle Téllez, and Christine X Vega; Foreword by Ana Castillo
The University of Arizona Press
The Chicana M(other)work Anthology is a call to action for justice within and outside academia. This volume brings together emerging scholarship and testimonios by and about self-identified Chicana and Women of Color mother-scholars, activists, and allies who, using an intersectional lens, center mothering as transformative labor.
Food Fight!
Millennial Mestizaje Meets the Culinary Marketplace
The University of Arizona Press
Food Fight! contributes to urgent discussions around the problems of cultural misappropriation, labeling, identity, and imaging in marketing and dining establishments. Not just about food, restaurants, and coffee, this volume employs a decolonial approach and engaging voice to interrogate ways that mestizo, Indigenous, and Latinx peoples are objectified in mainstream ideology and imaginary.
When It Rains
Tohono O'odham and Pima Poetry
Edited by Ofelia Zepeda
The University of Arizona Press
When It Rains is an intuitive poetry collection that shows us how language connects people. With the poems in both O’odham and English, the volume serves as a reminder of the beauty and changeability of the O’odham language.
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