The University of Arizona Press is the premier publisher of academic, regional, and literary works in the state of Arizona. They disseminate ideas and knowledge of lasting value that enrich understanding, inspire curiosity, and enlighten readers. They advance the University of Arizona’s mission by connecting scholarship and creative expression to readers worldwide.
Showing 496-510 of 1,705 items.
Mission of Sorrows
Jesuit Guevavi and the Pimas, 1691–1767
By John L. Kessell; Foreword by Ernest J. Burrus
The University of Arizona Press
Life and Labor on the Border
Working People of Northeastern Sonora, Mexico, 1886–1986
The University of Arizona Press
This book traces the development of the urban working class in northern Sonora over the period of a century. Drawing on an extensive collection of life histories over several generations, Heyman describes what has happened to families as people have left the countryside to work for American-owned companies in northern Sonora or to cross the border to find other employment.
Friars, Soldiers, and Reformers
Hispanic Arizona and the Sonora Mission Frontier, 1767–1856
The University of Arizona Press
Forging the Copper Collar
Arizona's Labor-Management War of 1901–1921
The University of Arizona Press
An Arizona Chronology
Statehood, 1913–1936
By Douglas D. Martin; Edited by Patricia G. Paylore
The University of Arizona Press
With the River on Our Face
By Emmy Pérez
The University of Arizona Press
Emmy Pérez’s With the River on Our Face flows through the Southwest and the Texas borderlands to the river’s mouth in the Rio Grande Valley/El Valle. The poems celebrate the land, communities, and ecology of the borderlands while merging and diverging like the iconic river in this long-awaited collection.
Ancient Plants and People
Contemporary Trends in Archaeobotany
The University of Arizona Press
Ancient Plants and People is a timely discussion of the global perspectives on archaeobotany and the rich harvest of knowledge it yields. Contributors examine the importance of plants to human culture over time and geographic regions and what it teaches of humans, their culture, and their landscapes.
Mañana Means Heaven
The University of Arizona Press
In this love story of impossible odds, award-winning writer Tim Z. Hernandez weaves a rich and visionary portrait of Bea Franco, the real woman behind famed American author Jack Kerouac’s “The Mexican Girl.” Set against an ominous backdrop of California in the 1940’s, deep in the agricultural heartland of the Great Central Valley, Mañana Means Heaven reveals the desperate circumstances that lead a married woman to an illicit affair with an young, aspiring writer.
Dodger Blue Will Fill Your Soul
The University of Arizona Press
In Dodger Blue Will Fill Your Soul Bryan Allen Fierro brings to life the people and places that form the fragile heart of East Los Angeles. Bearing witness to transformation, the Latino boys and men in this collection defy masculine stereotypes, while the girls and women challenge gender roles. Dodger Blue Will Fill Your Soul is a tour de force—the first collection of an authentic new voice examining community with humor, hope, and brutal honesty.
Critical Indigenous Studies
Engagements in First World Locations
Edited by Aileen Moreton-Robinson
The University of Arizona Press
Aileen Moreton-Robinson and the contributors to this important volume deploy incisive critique and analytical acumen to propose new directions for critical Indigenous studies in the First World. Leading scholars offer thought-provoking essays on the central epistemological, theoretical, political, and pedagogical questions and debates that constitute the discipline of Indigenous studies, including a brief history of the discipline.
Stealing the Gila
The Pima Agricultural Economy and Water Deprivation, 1848-1921
The University of Arizona Press
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