The University of Arizona Press is the premier publisher of academic, regional, and literary works in the state of Arizona. They disseminate ideas and knowledge of lasting value that enrich understanding, inspire curiosity, and enlighten readers. They advance the University of Arizona’s mission by connecting scholarship and creative expression to readers worldwide.
Showing 901-930 of 1,704 items.
Classic Maya Provincial Politics
Xunantunich and Its Hinterlands
Edited by Lisa J. LeCount and Jason Yaeger
The University of Arizona Press
Backcountry Pilot
Flying Adventures with Ike Russell
Edited by Thomas Bowen
The University of Arizona Press
The Colorado Plateau IV
Shaping Conservation Through Science and Management
The University of Arizona Press
After Collapse
The Regeneration of Complex Societies
Edited by Glenn M. Schwartz and John J. Nichols
The University of Arizona Press
Massacre at the Yuma Crossing
Spanish Relations with the Quechans, 1779-1782
The University of Arizona Press
What Has Passed and What Remains
Oral Histories of Northern Arizona's Changing Landscapes
Edited by Peter Friederici
The University of Arizona Press
The Colonias Reader
Economy, Housing and Public Health in U.S.-Mexico Border Colonias
Edited by Angela J. Donelson and Adrian X. Esparza
The University of Arizona Press
Symbolism and Ritual in a One-Party Regime
Unveiling Mexico's Political Culture
The University of Arizona Press
Life in the Hothouse
How a Living Planet Survives Climate Change
The University of Arizona Press
For Tranquility and Order
Family and Community on Mexico's Northern Frontier, 1800–1850
The University of Arizona Press
Camino del Sol
Fifteen Years of Latina and Latino Writing
Edited by Rigoberto González
The University of Arizona Press
Baboquivari Mountain Plants
Identification, Ecology, and Ethnobotany
The University of Arizona Press
Working from Within
Chicana and Chicano Activist Educators in Whitestream Schools
By Luis Urrieta
The University of Arizona Press
Urban Farming in the West
A New Deal Experiment in Subsistence Homesteads
The University of Arizona Press
Political Ecologies of Cattle Ranching in Northern Mexico
Private Revolutions
The University of Arizona Press
The University of Arizona Press
The study of paleonutrition provides valuable insights into shifts and changes in human history. This is the most comprehensive book on the topic. Intended for students and professionals, it describes the nature of paleonutrition studies, reviews the history of research, discusses methodological issues in the reconstruction of prehistoric diets, presents theoretical frameworks frequently used in research, and showcases examples in which analyses have been successfully conducted on prehistoric individuals, groups, and populations. It offers an integrative approach to understanding state-of-the-art anthropological dietary, health, and nutritional assessments. The most recent and innovative methods used to reconstruct prehistoric diets are discussed, along with the major ways in which paleonutrition data are recovered, analyzed, and interpreted. The book includes five contemporary case studies that illustrate the mutually beneficial linkages between ethnography and archaeology.
The Permit that Never Expires
Migrant Tales from the Ozark Hills and the Mexican Highlands
The University of Arizona Press
Prehistory, Personality, and Place
Emil W. Haury and the Mogollon Controversy
The University of Arizona Press
Engendering Households in the Prehistoric Southwest
Edited by Barbara J. Roth
The University of Arizona Press
Zuni Origins
Toward a New Synthesis of Southwestern Archaeology
The University of Arizona Press
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title, Zuni Origins takes stock of and synthesizes what is currently known about the origins of the Zuni language and the development of modern Zuni culture. The only volume to address this subject with such a breadth of data and interpretations, it will prove invaluable to archaeologists working throughout the North American Southwest as well as to others struggling with issues of ethnicity, migration, incipient agriculture, and linguistic origins.
People and Plants in Ancient Western North America
Edited by Paul E. Minnis
The University of Arizona Press
People and Plants in Ancient Eastern North America
Edited by Paul E. Minnis
The University of Arizona Press
The Legacy of Hurricane Mitch
Lessons from Post-Disaster Reconstruction in Honduras
The University of Arizona Press
The Legacy of Hurricane Mitch offers a comprehensive analysis of the immediate and long-term consequences of Hurricane Mitch in Honduras. Based on longitudinal ethnographic fieldwork and environmental assessments, this volume illustrates the importance of adopting an approach to disaster research and practice that places “natural” trigger events within their political, cultural, and socio-economic contexts. The contributors make a compelling case against post-disaster recovery efforts that limit themselves to alleviating the symptoms, rather than confronting the root causes of the vulnerability that prefigured the disaster.
Polities and Power
Archaeological Perspectives on the Landscapes of Early States
Edited by Steven E. Falconer and Charles L. Redman
The University of Arizona Press
Labor Market Issues along the U.S.-Mexico Border
Edited by Marie T. Mora and Alberto Dávila
The University of Arizona Press
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