The University of Arizona Press is the premier publisher of academic, regional, and literary works in the state of Arizona. They disseminate ideas and knowledge of lasting value that enrich understanding, inspire curiosity, and enlighten readers. They advance the University of Arizona’s mission by connecting scholarship and creative expression to readers worldwide.
Showing 481-500 of 1,705 items.
Ecology of Sonoran Desert Plants and Plant Communities
Edited by Robert H. Robichaux
The University of Arizona Press
Colonel Greene and the Copper Skyrocket
The Spectacular Rise and Fall of William Cornell Greene: Copper King, Cattle Baron, and Promoter Extraordinary in Mexico, the American Southwest, and the New York Financial District
The University of Arizona Press
Bristlecone Pine in the White Mountains of California
Growth and Ring-Width Characteristics
The University of Arizona Press
Papers of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, No. 4
The Vertebrates of Arizona
With Major Section on Arizona Habitats
Edited by Charles H. Lowe
The University of Arizona Press
The Social Organization of the Western Apache
By Grenville Goodwin; Preface by Keith H. Basso
The University of Arizona Press
The Mollusks of the Arid Southwest
With an Arizona Check List
The University of Arizona Press
The Clifton-Morenci Strike
Labor Difficulty in Arizona, 1915–1916
The University of Arizona Press
People of the Desert and Sea
Ethnobotany of the Seri Indians
The University of Arizona Press
Notes of Travel Through the Territory of Arizona
By J. H. Marion; Edited by Donald M. Powell
The University of Arizona Press
Mission of Sorrows
Jesuit Guevavi and the Pimas, 1691–1767
By John L. Kessell; Foreword by Ernest J. Burrus
The University of Arizona Press
Life and Labor on the Border
Working People of Northeastern Sonora, Mexico, 1886–1986
The University of Arizona Press
This book traces the development of the urban working class in northern Sonora over the period of a century. Drawing on an extensive collection of life histories over several generations, Heyman describes what has happened to families as people have left the countryside to work for American-owned companies in northern Sonora or to cross the border to find other employment.
Friars, Soldiers, and Reformers
Hispanic Arizona and the Sonora Mission Frontier, 1767–1856
The University of Arizona Press
Forging the Copper Collar
Arizona's Labor-Management War of 1901–1921
The University of Arizona Press
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