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Showing 131-140 of 1,703 items.

Indigenous Justice and Gender

The University of Arizona Press

This new book offers a broad overview of topics pertaining to gender-related health, violence, and healing. Employing a strength-based approach (as opposed to a deficit model), the chapters address the resiliency of Indigenous women and two-spirit people in the face of colonial violence and structural racism.

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Walking Together

Central Americans and Transit Migration Through Mexico

The University of Arizona Press

Sitting at the intersection of border studies, immigration studies, and Latinx studies, this concise volume shows how Central American migrants in transit through Mexico survive the precarious and unpredictable road by forming different types of social ties, developing trust, and engaging in acts of solidarity. The accessible writing and detailed ethnographic narratives of different associations, ties, and groups that migrants form while in transit weave together theory with empirical observations to highlight and humanize the migrant experience.

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Revealing Rebellion in Abiayala

The Insurgent Poetics of Contemporary Indigenous Literature

The University of Arizona Press

From the Pan-Maya Movement in Guatemala and the Zapatista uprising in Mexico to the Water and Gas Wars in Bolivia and the Idle No More movement in Canada, the twenty-first century has witnessed a notable surge in Indigenous political action. Meanwhile, numerous authors use fiction and poetry to combat their invisibility and envision alternatives to coloniality. Revealing Rebellion in Abiayala provides a powerful starting point for rethinking inter-American studies through the lens of literature and Indigenous sovereignty.

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Foodways of the Ancient Andes

Transforming Diet, Cuisine, and Society

The University of Arizona Press

Exploring the multiple social, ecological, cultural, and ontological dimensions of food in the Andean past, this book offers a diverse set of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches that reveal the richness, sophistication, and ingenuity of Andean peoples. With forty-six contributors from ten countries, the studies presented in this volume employ new analytical methods, integrating different food data and interdisciplinary research to show how food impacts sociopolitical relationships and ontologies that are otherwise invisible in the archaeological record.

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Black Women and da ’Rona

Community, Consciousness, and Ethics of Care

The University of Arizona Press

Deliberately writing against archival erasure and death-driven logics of anti-Blackness, this volume chronicles Black women’s aliveness, ethics of care, and rituals of healing. The nineteen contributors from interdisciplinary fields and diverse backgrounds situate Black women’s multidimensional experiences with COVID-19 and other violences that affect their lives. The stories they tell are connected and interwoven, bound together by anti-Black gendered COVID necropolitics and commitments to creating new spaces for breathing, healing, and wellness.

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The Unequal Ocean

Living with Environmental Change along the Peruvian Coast

The University of Arizona Press

Based on a decade of ethnographic and archival research in Peru, this volume reveals how prevailing representations of the ocean obscure racialized disparities and the ways that different people experience the impacts of the climate crisis. The book also addresses expanding scholarly interest in the world’s oceans as sites for thinking about social inequities, environmental politics, and multispecies relationships.

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Carbon Sovereignty

Coal, Development, and Energy Transition in the Navajo Nation

The University of Arizona Press

This deep dive into the coal industry and the Navajo Nation captures a pivotal moment in the history of energy shift and tribal communities. Geographer Andrew Curley spent more than a decade documenting the rise and fall coal, talking with those affected most by the changes—Diné coal workers, environmental activists, and politicians.

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Households on the Mimbres Horizon

Excavations at La Gila Encantada, Southwestern New Mexico

The University of Arizona Press

This book explores variability in Mimbres Mogollon pithouse sites using a case study from La Gila Encantada to further our understanding of the full range of pithouse occupations in the area. Because the site is away from the major river valleys, the data from excavations at the site provides valuable information on the differences in cultural practices that occurred away from the riverine villages, as well as environmental differences, economic practices, and social constructs.

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Border Water

The Politics of U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Water Management, 1945–2015

The University of Arizona Press

Border Water places transboundary water management in the frame of the larger binational relationship, offering a comprehensive history of transnational water management between the United States and Mexico. As we move into the next century of transnational water management, this important work offers critical insights into lessons learned and charts a path for the future.

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The Carbon Calculation

Global Climate Policy, Forests, and Transnational Governance in Brazil and Mozambique

The University of Arizona Press

The Carbon Calculation critically highlights the ways in which politics has reinforced a scientific focus on one possible solution to the problem of climate change—namely those that largely absolve the industrialized world from undertaking politically painful transformations in its own economic model.

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