The Land of Bliss, The Paradise of the Buddha of Measureless Light
Sanskrit and Chinese Versions of the Sukhāvatīvyūha Sutras
By Luis O. Gomez; Translated with commentary by Luis O. Gomez
University of Hawaii Press
This is a free translation of two Buddhist texts on what is arguably the most popular of all Buddhist conceptions of an ideal world, the "Land of Bliss" of the Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha of Infinite Light. The two texts, known to Western students of Buddhism as the "Smaller" and "Larger" Sukhavatiyuha Sutra, explain the conditions that lead to rebirth in the Pure Land and the manner in which human beings are reborn there.
A work of admirable scholarship.... No one interested in the development of the Mahayana, and more especially in Pure Land, should disregard this book.