The Collected Works of Benjamin Hawkins, 1796–1810
716 pages, 6 x 9
Release Date:05 Oct 2020

The Collected Works of Benjamin Hawkins, 1796–1810

University of Alabama Press
A comprehensive collection of the most important sources on the late historic Creek Indians and their environment
In 1795 Benjamin Hawkins, a former US senator and advisor to George Washington, was appointed US Indian agent and superintendent of all the tribes south of the Ohio River. Unlike most other agents, he lived among the Creek Indians for his entire tenure, from 1796 to 1816. Journeying forth from his home on the Flint River in Georgia, he served southeastern Indians as government intermediary during one of the longest eras of peace in the historic period.
Hawkins’s journals provide detailed information about European-Indian relations in the 18th-century frontier of the South. His descriptions of the natural and cultural environment are considered among the best sources for the ethnohistory of the Choctaw, Cherokee, Chickasaw, and, especially, the Creek Indians and the natural history of their territory.
Two previously published bodies of work by Benjamin Hawkins are included here—A Sketch of the Creek Country in the Years 1798 and 1799 and The Letters of Benjamin Hawkins 1796-1806. A third body of work that has never been published, “A Viatory or Journal of Distances” (describing routes and distances of a 3,578-mile journey through parts of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi), has been added. Together, these documents make up the known body of Hawkins’ work—his talks, treaties, correspondence, aboriginal vocabularies, travel journals, and records of the manners, customs, rites, and civil polity of the tribes. Hawkins' work provides an invaluable record of the time period.
Unquestionably the best single-volume collection of Benjamin Hawkins’ writings ever assembled . . . [and] the only available version in print.’
—John E. Worth, Director of Randell Research Center
This volume is one of the most important collections of published primary source material on the southern frontier, the late 18th century Creek Indians, and the social and physical geography of the area that once comprised the Creek Confederacy. . . . Foster’s Collected Works constitutes the most complete set of Hawkins’s writings in print today. Scholars and lay readers alike will find in this collection of Hawkins’s writings a fascinating trip into Creek country.’
Journal of the Early Republic

H. Thomas Foster II is a senior archaeologist with Panamerican Consultants, Inc., in Columbus, Georgia, and Research Associate at Auburn University Montgomery.

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