Showing 101-110 of 131 items.
A Rain of Darts
The Mexica Aztecs
University of Texas Press
The exciting and important history of the Mexican Indians who founded Tenochtitlan and who created from it what is known as the Aztec empire.
The Wind that Swept Mexico
The History of the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1942
University of Texas Press
In concise but moving words and in memorable photographs, this classic sweeps the reader along from the false peace and plenty of the Díaz era through the doomed administration of Madero, the chaotic years of Villa and Zapata, Carranza and Obregón, to the
Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality
By José Carlos Mariátegui; Translated by Marjory Urquidi
University of Texas Press
Essays by one of the leading South American social philosophers of the early twentieth century.
Prophet in the Wilderness
The Works of Ezequiel Martínez Estrada
University of Texas Press
This book traces the development of the response to the human dilemma in the works of the Argentine writer Ezequiel Martínez Estrada,
Antonio Caso
Philosopher of Mexico
University of Texas Press
A biography of a 20th century Mexican philosopher and educator.
The Golden Thread and other Plays
By Emilio Carballido; Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden
University of Texas Press
A collection of plays by one of the most innovative and accomplished of Mexico's playwrights and one of the outstanding creators in the new Latin American theater.
By Ramón Beteta; Translated by John Upton
University of Texas Press
The memoir of a Mexican politician's youth during the Revolution.
Bolívar and the War of Independence
Memorias del General Daniel Florencio O’Leary, Narración
University of Texas Press
One of the most important historical sources for a major part of Simón Bolívar’s life.
Recollections of Things to Come
University of Texas Press
A novel about life in a small Mexican town during the Revolution.
Memories of Lazarus
By Adonias Filho; Translated by Fred P. Ellison
University of Texas Press
These are the recollections of Alexandre—of his life, his death-in-life, and his ultimate death, as they are played out against the mobile tapestry of the valley where he was born.
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