Showing 71-80 of 131 items.
Elites, Masses, and Modernization in Latin America, 1850–1930
By E. Bradford Burns and Thomas E. Skidmore; Edited by Virginia Bernhard; Introduction by Richard Graham
University of Texas Press
This volume explores the interactions between the elites and the lower classes of Latin America through the divergent perspectives of three eminent historians.
History of the Inca Empire
An Account of the Indians' Customs and Their Origin, Together with a Treatise on Inca Legends, History, and Social Institutions
By Father Bernabe Cobo; Translated by Roland Hamilton
University of Texas Press
A seventeenth-century account of Inca history and customs.
Ancient Panama
Chiefs in Search of Power
University of Texas Press
This book adds depth to our understanding of the political and religious elite ruling in Panama at thetime of the European conquest.
Maya Archaeology and Ethnohistory
Edited by Norman Hammond and Gordon R. Willey
University of Texas Press
The essays here offer a conspectus of late-twentieth century Maya research and a series of case histories of the work of some of the leading scholars in the field.
Brazil and the Quiet Intervention, 1964
University of Texas Press
Relying principally on documents from the Johnson and Kennedy presidential libraries, Phyllis Parker unravels the events of the 1964 Goulart coup in fascinating detail.
Political Attitudes in Venezuela
Societal Cleavages and Political Opinion
By Enrique A. Baloyra and John D. Martz
University of Texas Press
A benchmark study of voter attitudes in a Latin American country.
The Fifth Sun
Aztec Gods, Aztec World
By Burr Cartwright Brundage; Illustrated by Roy E. Anderson
University of Texas Press
A study of Aztec religion and mythology.
German Buenos Aires, 1900–1933
Social Change and Cultural Crisis
University of Texas Press
This study of the German community of early twentieth century Buenos Aires is a major contribution to the literature on Argentine history and on the New World immigrant experience.
The Devil's Church and Other Stories
University of Texas Press
The stories in this volume reflect Machado's post-1880 emphasis on social satire and experimentation in psychological realism.
Anthropology and History in Yucatán
Edited by Grant D. Jones
University of Texas Press
A collection of ten essays that offer interpretations of the survival and adaptation of lowland Maya culture from its earliest contact with the Spanish to the 1970s.
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