Susan E. Kirtley

Susan E. Kirtley is professor of English, director of composition, and director of comics studies at Portland State University. She is winner of the 2013 Eisner Award for Best Educational/Academic Work for her book Lynda Barry: Girlhood through the Looking Glass and coeditor (with Antero Garcia and Peter E. Carlson) of With Great Power Comes Great Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, and Comics, both published by University Press of Mississippi.

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

With Great Power Comes Great Pedagogy

Teaching, Learning, and Comics

University Press of Mississippi

An unparalleled gathering of top educators, comics artists, and writers advocating the vital utility of comics in the classroom

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With Great Power Comes Great Pedagogy

Teaching, Learning, and Comics

University Press of Mississippi

An unparalleled gathering of top educators, comics artists, and writers advocating the vital utility of comics in the classroom

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Lynda Barry

Girlhood through the Looking Glass

University Press of Mississippi

A critical biography of one of the pioneers of alternative weekly comic strips

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