Susan A. Roberts
New Mexico
New Mexico is a single volume presentation of the fascinating succession of events and characters that make up the state's past.
- Copyright year: 2006
Una Historia de Nuevo Mexico
Traducion directa de la tercera edicion
The resource guide, for the Spanish edition, includes lesson plans keyed to the state's instructional standards for social studies, answers to section and chapter reviews, four different types of student activity worksheets, tests and answer keys, bibliographies, and resource suggestions.
- Copyright year: 2005
Una Historia de Nuevo Mexico
Traducción directa de la tercera edición
Este libro introduce los estudiantes que leen y hablan en espanol a la historia del estado de Nuevo Mexico.
- Copyright year: 2004
A History of New Mexico, 4th Revised Edition
This updated and revised textbook for the middle school reader is an engaging and balanced account of New Mexico from earliest times to the present.
- Copyright year: 2011
A History of New Mexico, 4th Revised Edition, Teacher Resource Book
The teacher's guide has lesson plans keyed to the state's instructional standards for social studies, answers to section and chapter reviews, four different types of student activity worksheets, tests and answer keys, bibliographies, and resource suggestions.
- Copyright year: 2011