Showing 161-200 of 287 items.

Academic Careers and the Gender Gap

UBC Press

An analysis of the institutional, academic, family, and personal contributors to the academic gender gap in liberal-state universities.

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Reimagining Intervention in Young Lives

Work, Social Assistance, and Marginalization

UBC Press

Documents the experience of poverty, unemployment, homelessness, and intervention, and their effects on young people’s lives and social networks.

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Brokering Access

Power, Politics, and Freedom of Information Process in Canada

Edited by Mike Larsen and Kevin Walby
UBC Press

Drawing together the perspectives of social scientists, journalists, and ATI advocates, Brokering Access explores the policies and practices surrounding access to information in Canada, highlighting the struggle between the public’s desire for transparency and the government’s culture of secrecy.

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Fractured Homeland

Federal Recognition and Algonquin Identity in Ontario

UBC Press

An examination of the struggle for identity and nationhood among non-status Algonquin during the negotiation of a major comprehensive land claim.

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Epidemic Encounters

Influenza, Society, and Culture in Canada, 1918-20

UBC Press

A multidisciplinary exploration of Canada’s experience of illness and death during the 1918-20 influenza pandemic.

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Rooted Cosmopolitanism

Canada and the World

UBC Press

Can national loyalties be reconciled with larger commitments to global well-being?

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Becoming Multicultural

Immigration and the Politics of Membership in Canada and Germany

UBC Press

This book demonstrates how global human rights norms intersected with domestic political identities and institutions to transform Canada and Germany into diverse multicultural societies in the second half of the twentieth century.

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Alternative Media in Canada

UBC Press

Examines the limitations and promise of alternative media in the context of Canada’s complex media and policy environment.

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Islam in the Hinterlands

Muslim Cultural Politics in Canada

Edited by Jasmin Zine
UBC Press

A collection of empirical studies and critical essays, Islam in the Hinterlands examines how politics, media, and education shape Muslim life in Canada.

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Making Meaning Out of Mountains

The Political Ecology of Skiing

UBC Press

Brings to the light the conflicting meanings attached to skiing by diverse groups in British Columbia.

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Two Mediterranean Worlds

Diverging Paths of Globalization and Autonomy

Edited by Yassine Essid and William D. Coleman; Translated by Käthe Roth
UBC Press

The Mediterranean, a region of uneven globalization, offers clues to understanding the future of democracy in North Africa and the Near East.

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Latino Labour and the Changing Face of Forestry in the Pacific Northwest

UBC Press

Sarathy draws on interviews, government documents, and media accounts to trace the Latinization of forest labour in the US Pacific Northwest and the marginalization of Latino workers.

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The End of Children?

Changing Trends in Childbearing and Childhood

UBC Press

This timely volume brings insights from multiple disciplines to bear on debates about declining fertility rates and modern approaches to child raising.

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Health in Rural Canada

UBC Press

This topical, comprehensive volume surveys the current state of rural health and health care across Canada to enhance our knowledge of health differences and similarities across Canadian geographies.

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Creative Subversions

Whiteness, Indigeneity, and the National Imaginary

UBC Press

This book explores how whiteness and Indigeneity are articulated through commonplace symbols of Canadian identity and how the work of contemporary artists is subverting these nostalgic accounts of the past.

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Jewels of the Qila

The Remarkable Story of an Indo-Canadian Family

UBC Press

This story about a remarkable Sikh family living in British Columbia tells a larger tale about an immigrant community’s triumphs and tribulations and the strong connections that Indo-Canadians continue to forge with their homeland.

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Feminist Community Research

Case Studies and Methodologies

UBC Press

Researchers from multiple disciplines discuss the potential and the challenges of feminist community research.

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Identity Politics in the Public Realm

Bringing Institutions Back In

UBC Press

This volume furthers the multiculturalism debate by assessing whether public institutions are capable of evaluating minority group claims fairly.

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Rethinking the Great White North

Race, Nature, and the Historical Geographies of Whiteness in Canada

UBC Press

Rethinking the Great White North explores the troubling side of the images of whiteness and wilderness that are so central to Canadian national identity.

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Voluntary Sector Organizations and the State

Building New Relations

UBC Press

This book traces developments in the voluntary sector in Canada since the early 1990s, offering an up-to-date portrait of the federal government’s evolving relationship with voluntary organizations.

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The Media Gaze

Representations of Diversities in Canada

UBC Press

The Media Gaze is an eye-opening exposé of how mainstream media depictions are ideologically raced, gendered, classed, sexualized, secularized, and ageist.

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Child and Youth Care

Critical Perspectives on Pedagogy, Practice, and Policy

UBC Press

This book reconceptualizes child and youth care by bringing critical and postmodern perspectives to bear on practices, programs, and policies.

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Feminist Ethics and Social Policy

Towards a New Global Political Economy of Care

UBC Press

This volume addresses the theoretical and practical relationships among the feminization of migrant labour, the ethics of care, and social policy in the new global economy.

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Age, Gender, and Work

Small Information Technology Firms in the New Economy

UBC Press

A unique examination of how age and gender inform the workplace and its culture in the new knowledge-based economy.

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Orienting Canada

Race, Empire, and the Transpacific

UBC Press

A hard-hitting reconsideration of Canadian foreign policy, Orienting Canada meticulously documents the dynamics of race and empire in the Transpacific from the 1907 race riots to Canada’s early involvement in Vietnam.

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Beyond Blood

Rethinking Indigenous Identity

UBC Press, Purich Publishing

Despite what the criteria of the Indian Act states regarding Aboriginal status, Palmater argues that blood should not determine belonging.

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Transforming Law's Family

The Legal Recognition of Planned Lesbian Motherhood

UBC Press

Drawing on the rarely heard voices of Canada’s lesbian mothers, Transforming Law’s Family explores the legal dimensions of planned lesbian parenthood and proposes avenues for legal change.

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The Way of the Bachelor

Early Chinese Settlement in Manitoba

UBC Press

This book documents the religious beliefs and cultural practices that helped sustain and lend meaning to Chinese bachelors in smaller towns and cities of Manitoba.

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Judging Homosexuals

A History of Gay Persecution in Quebec and France

By Patrice Corriveau; Foreword by Barry Adam; Translated by Käthe Roth
UBC Press

This history examines shifting constructions of homosexuality over time through a comparative analysis of gay persecution in France and Quebec.

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Faith, Politics, and Sexual Diversity in Canada and the United States

UBC Press

While acknowledging differences between Canada and the United States in their political responses to religion and sexual diversity, this volume moves beyond stereotypes to pose larger questions and reveal surprising changes at the intersection of faith-based and LGBT rights claims.

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A Life in Balance?

Reopening the Family-Work Debate

UBC Press

This volume brings together feminist scholars from multiple disciplines to challenge the notion that work and family are two distinct areas of life in need of balance.

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Contesting White Supremacy

School Segregation, Anti-Racism, and the Making of Chinese Canadians

UBC Press

By drawing on Chinese sources and perspectives, this book offers an anti-racist history of the 1922-23 Chinese students’ strike in Victoria and Asian exclusion and racism in British Columbia.

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Critical Criminology in Canada

New Voices, New Directions

Edited by Aaron Doyle and Dawn Moore
UBC Press

A new generation of critical criminologists examines the future of criminology and criminal justice in Canada.

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Making a Living

Place, Food, and Economy in an Inuit Community

UBC Press, Purich Publishing

A social and cultural examination of Indigenous societies as they strive to retain the values rooted in life on the land while adjusting to the realities of life in settlements.

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Citizens Adrift

The Democratic Disengagement of Young Canadians

UBC Press

Citizens Adrift is a rich study of the generational decline in political involvement that offers recommendations as to how to stem the erosion of democratic life.

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Perverse Cities

Hidden Subsidies, Wonky Policy, and Urban Sprawl

UBC Press

Distorted price signals and flawed public policy create powerful and largely hidden perverse subsidies and incentives that promote urban sprawl.

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Women and Property in Urban India

UBC Press

An intimate exploration of the opportunities and constraints faced by low-income women in Ahmedabad, as throughout the Global South, in securing access to landed property.

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Dreaming in Canadian

South Asian Youth, Bollywood, and Belonging

UBC Press

Dreaming in Canadian explores the connections between the media and identity formation among young Canadians of South Asian origin.

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Panoptic Dreams

Streetscape Video Surveillance in Canada

UBC Press

A definitive study of the implementation and implications of streetscape video surveillance systems in Canada.

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Administering the Colonizer

Manchuria’s Russians under Chinese Rule, 1918-29

UBC Press

A revisionist history of a unique administrative experiment – the Chinese administration of Manchuria’s Russians in the 1920s – that supports a more nuanced view of Chinese nationalism and China’s relationship with minority cultures.

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