Showing 1,201-1,220 of 25,551 items.

Land and the Liberal Project

Canada’s Violent Expansion

UBC Press

Land and the Liberal Project explores the “improving” ideas that informed the expansion of Canada from coast to coast, exposing the justifications for state violence and appropriation of Indigenous territory, thus challenging our assumptions about Canadian sovereignty.

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Just Wonder

Shifting Perspectives in Tradition

Utah State University Press

Inspired by folklore, television, fairy tales, social media, novels, and films, Just Wonder addresses crucial themes in social and ecological justice efforts. Moving into the mid-twenty-first century, wonder as a potentially critical sociocultural, ecological, and individual stance will play a critical role in reconceptualizing the present to imagine a different and better world.

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Iñupiat of the Sii

Historical Ethnography and Arctic Challenges

University of Alaska Press

Iñupiat of the Sii is a firsthand account of Wanni and Douglas Anderson’s lived experiences during eight field seasons of archaeological and ethnographic research in Selawik, Alaska, from 1968 to 1994. 

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Feeding a Divided America

Reflections of a Western Rancher in the Era of Climate Change

University of New Mexico Press
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Canada and Colonialism

An Unfinished History

UBC Press, Purich Books

Canada and Colonialism presents the history Canadians must reckon with before decolonization is possible, from the nation’s establishment as a settler colony to the discriminatory legacies still at work in our institutions and culture.

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Broken City

Land Speculation, Inequality, and Urban Crisis

UBC Press

Broken City argues that skyrocketing urban land prices drive our global housing market failure – so, how did we get here, and what can be done about it?

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Alabama Railroads

University of Alabama Press

The first comprehensive, illustrated history of Alabama's railroad system

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William Hanson and the Texas-Mexico Border

Violence, Corruption, and the Making of the Gatekeeper State

University of Texas Press

An examination of the career of Texas Ranger and immigration official William Hanson illustrating the intersections of corruption, state-building, and racial violence in early twentieth century Texas.

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Sherds of History

Domestic Life in Colonial Guadeloupe

University Press of Florida

This book examines ceramic artifacts from the island of Guadeloupe to reveal information about daily life in the French colonial Caribbean.

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Political Activist Ethnography

Studies in the Social Relations of Struggle

Athabasca University Press
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On Othering

Processes and Politics of Unpeace

Athabasca University Press
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Border Killers

Neoliberalism, Necropolitics, and Mexican Masculinity

The University of Arizona Press

Focusing on both Mexico’s northern and southern borders, Border Killers uses Achille Mbembe’s concept of necropolitics and various theories of masculinity to argue that contemporary Mexico is home to a form of necropolitical masculinity that has flourished in the neoliberal era and made the exercise of death both profitable and necessary for the functioning of Mexico’s state-cartel-corporate governance matrix.

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An Introduction to Jean Bodel

University Press of Florida

In this book, Lynn Ramey explores the life and works of Jean Bodel, a twelfth-century French poet, playwright, and epic writer, providing translations and summaries of works never published before in English while delving into Bodel’s historical and cultural context.

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When Driving Is Not an Option

Steering Away from Car Dependency

By Anna Zivarts; Foreword by Dani Simons
Island Press

One third of people living in the United States do not have a driver license. Because the majority of involuntary nondrivers are disabled, lower income, unhoused, formerly incarcerated, undocumented immigrants, kids, young people, and the elderly, they are largely invisible.

In When Driving is Not an Option disability advocate Anna Letitia Zivarts draws from interviews with involuntary nondrivers from around the US and from her own experience, to shine a light on the number of people in the US who cannot drive and outline actions to improve our mobility systems.

When the needs of involuntary nondrivers are viewed as essential to how we design our transportation systems and our communities, not only will we be able to more easily get where we need to go, but the changes will lead to healthier, climate-friendly communities for everyone.

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The Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the Fight for America's Energy Future

Island Press

Gaslight is the story of an epic, six-year battle between one of the country’s most powerful energy companies and the everyday people who stood in the path of its massive fossil gas pipeline. On one side, an archetypal Goliath: a corporation that commands billions of dollars and unparalleled influence over state politicians and federal government agencies alike. On the other, a diverse band of Davids: lawyers and farmers, conservationists and conservatives, innkeepers and lobbyists, scientists, and nurses.

Their struggle took them all the way to the Supreme Court, but their larger fight was in the court of public opinion. Would the nation swallow the industry’s narrative that gas was “a bridge fuel” to a clean, green future? Or would the public recognize it as a methane bomb, capable of not only wrecking local communities but imperiling the planet? Vivid and suspenseful, Gaslight is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the urgent stakes of the energy choices we face today.

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Visible Ruins

The Politics of Perception and the Legacies of Mexico's Revolution

University of Texas Press

An examination of the failures of the Mexican Revolution through the visual and material records.

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Rick Perry

A Political Life

University of Texas Press

How Rick Perry navigated and shaped Texas politics as the state’s longest serving governor.

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Oil Cities

The Making of North Louisiana’s Boomtowns, 1901-1930

University of Texas Press

How international oil companies navigated the local, segregated landscape of north Louisiana in the first decades of the twentieth century.

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Home, Heat, Money, God

Texas and Modern Architecture

University of Texas Press

Thematically focused analaysis of modern architecture throughout Texas with gorgeous photographs illustrating works by famous and lesser-known architects.

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