Showing 541-550 of 25,551 items.

The Thin Edge of Innovation

Metro Vancouver’s Evolving Economy

UBC Press

The Thin Edge of Innovation charts the origins, potential, and pitfalls of Metro Vancouver’s entrepreneur-led innovation economy, including the tremendous growth of high-tech, apparel, and consumer-oriented life-style businesses in the city.

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Rewriting the Word "God"

In the Arc of Converging Lines between Innovative Theory, Theology, and Poetry

University of Alabama Press

Innovative poetry, philosophy, theology and new sciences converge in the project of rewriting the word “God”

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Narratives of Joy and Failure in Antiracist Assessment

Exploring Collaborative Writing Assessments

The WAC Clearinghouse

When teachers with antiracist goals invite students to share in assessment practices, they open up possibilities to reflect on their own and their students’ politics and subjectivities. The contributors to Narratives of Joy and Failure in Antiracist Assessment share their reflections on their efforts to engage in this collaboration.

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Caribbean Inhospitality

The Poetics of Strangers at Home

Rutgers University Press

Caribbean Inhospitality juxtaposes the Caribbean’s reputation for being hospitable to foreigners with the alienation of the Caribbean citizen-subject from nations they call home. Reading literary, cinematic, and digital texts, Natalie Lauren Belisle demonstrates that this inhospitality is institutionalized through the aesthetic, reproducing itself in the laws that condition belonging and membership in the Caribbean nation-state. 

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Beyond Cortés and Montezuma

The Conquest of Mexico Revisited

University Press of Colorado

Beyond Cortés and Montezuma examines both European and Nahuatl texts and images that shed light on the complex narrative of contact and the ensuing conflict, negotiation, and cooperation that continued well after the colonial period.

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Ballots and Brawls

The 1867 Canadian General Election

UBC Press

Ballots and Brawls, the first book dedicated solely to Canada’s inaugural election in 1867, is an engaging look at the main players, regional concerns, and nationalistic ideals that characterized the country’s beginnings.

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The Archaeology of American Medicine and Healthcare

University Press of Florida

In this book, Meredith Reifschneider synthesizes archaeological research on healthcare and medicine to show how practices in the United States have evolved since the nineteenth century, demonstrating that historical archaeology can provide important insights into healthcare and modes of self-care in the past.

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Somos Tejanas!

Chicana Identity and Culture in Texas

University of Texas Press

An expansive volume on Tejana identity and Tejanidad told through personal narratives, poetry, and essays.

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Roman Bioarchaeology

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Life and Death in the Roman World

University of Florida Press

In this book, researchers use human skeletal remains uncovered from throughout the Roman world to portray how ordinary people lived and died, spanning the empire’s vast geography and 1,000 years of ancient history.

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Postcards from the Sonora Border

Visualizing Place Through a Popular Lens, 1900s–1950s

The University of Arizona Press

Between 1900 and the late 1950s, Mexican border towns came of age both as centers of commerce and as tourist destinations. Postcards from the Sonora Border reveals how images—in this case the iconic postcard—shape the way we experience and think about place. Making use of his personal collection of historic images, Daniel D. Arreola captures the evolution of Sonoran border towns, creating a sense of visual “time travel” for the reader. Supported by maps and visual imagery, the author shares the geographical and historical story of five unique border towns—Agua Prieta, Naco, Nogales, Sonoyta, and San Luis Río Colorado.

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