Born of War in Colombia
Reproductive Violence and Memories of Absence
A Nation of Family and Friends?
Sport and the Leisure Cultures of British Asian Girls and Women
In A Nation of Family and Friends sociologist Aarti Ratna interrogates sport and leisure cultures as a site of common culture. Ratna portrays and analyses the vagaries of British Asian-ness and examines the intersections of class, caste, age, generation, gender, and sexuality, providing a rich and critical exploration of British Asian women's sport and leisure choices, pleasures, and lived realities.
The Jaguar Within
Shamanic Trance in Ancient Central and South American Art
Reading across Borders
Afghans, Iranians, and Literary Nationalism
Indigenizing Archaeology
Putting Theory into Practice
This book highlights early-career Indigenous scholars conducting research in North America who are advancing the growing paradigm of archaeological study done with, by, and for members of Native-descendant communities.
El Perú-Waka’
New Archaeological Perspectives on the Kingdom of the Centipede
Presenting the most current research on the Maya rainforest city El Perú-Waka’, this volume discusses occupation at the site spanning from 300 BC to 1000 CE and offers researchers an unmatched view of ancient life in a tropical urban environment.
Ancient Communities in the Mimbres Valley
Continuity and Change from AD 750 to 1350
American Coal
Russell Lee Portraits
In a Wounded Land
Conservation, Extraction, and Human Well-Being in Coastal Tanzania
Focusing on the human element of marine conservation and the extractive industry in Tanzania, this volume illuminates what happens when impoverished people living in underdeveloped regions of Africa are suddenly subjected to state-directed conservation and natural resource extraction projects. Drawing on ethnographically rich case studies and vignettes, the book documents the impacts of these projects on local populations and their responses to these projects over a ten-year period.
Conditionally Accepted
Navigating Higher Education from the Margins
A War of Colors
Graffiti and Street Art in Postwar Beirut
Utter, Earth
Advice on Living in a More-than-Human World
The Creation of Modern Buenos Aires
Football, Civic Associations, Barrios, and Politics, 1912–1943
Sea Change
Charting a Sustainable Future for Oceans in Canada
Sea Change takes stock of what we know about Canada’s changing oceans, offering a wealth of practical information to support the task of building resilient, sustainable oceans and ocean communities.