The Gospel According to This Moment
The Spiritual Message of Henry David Thoreau
Science Fusion in Contemporary Mexican Literature
Politicizing Islam in Austria
The Far-Right Impact in the Twenty-First Century
Politicizing Islam in Austria is a comprehensive examination of the influence of the far right on the Austrian political landscape and the impact its anti-Muslim agenda has had in a country whose longstanding state recognition of the Muslim community dates to as early as 1912.
The Gospel of Judas, A Novel
In Glory, Judas Iscariot finally tells his side of the story. From his perspective, Jesus is the betrayer, while Judas himself brought humanity a chance at redemption. Through Judas’s searing tortured monologues, this late masterpiece from one of Italy’s greatest writers investigates deep questions about the nature of faith, rebellion, fate, and free will.
Writing that Matters
A Handbook for Chicanx and Latinx Studies
Writing that Matters is a handbook on the craft of research and writing in the fields of Chicanx and Latinx studies. Geared toward students, Heidenreich and Urquijo-Ruiz walk scholars through the critical roots of these fields. They provide step-by-step instructions and examples of how to produce quality Chicanx and Latinx history and literature papers, while centering feminist and queer writings to create scholarship that matters.
The Sinful Maternal
Motherhood in Possession Films
A timely examination of the often-overlooked agency, trauma, and fluidity of pregnancy and motherhood in horror
The Florida Vegetarian Cookbook
With delicious recipes that showcase Florida’s bounty of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and grains, this book celebrates the seasonal harvests of the Sunshine State.
Superheroes in the Streets
Muslim Women Activists and Protest in the Digital Age
How Muslim women activists have heroically raised physical and digital protest banners