Collected Epiphanies of James Joyce
A Critical Edition
This book offers the first critical edition of the forty short texts James Joyce called “epiphanies.” Presenting the texts with background information and thorough annotations, this edition provides a vivid insight into Joyce’s art.
Unsettling Brazil
Urban Indigenous and Black Peoples' Resistances to Dependent Settler Capitalism
Analyzes favela, quilombola, and indigenous communities’ responses to settler colonialism in urban Brazil. Based on ethnographic research and her experiences growing up in Brazil, the author tells the stories of communities in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Belo Horizonte
The Indians Won
Suing for Silence
Sexual Violence and Defamation Law
Suing for Silence exposes the phenomenon of lawsuits whose purpose is to silence those who disclose sexual violence, revealing the gendered underpinnings of Canadian defamation law and its chilling effect on public discourse including formal reports of sexual violence.