Showing 3,031-3,060 of 25,551 items.

Women's Voices in Digital Media

The Sonic Screen from Film to Memes

University of Texas Press

An examination of the sound and silence of women in digital media.

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The Running Kind

Listening to Merle Haggard

University of Texas Press

A new and expanded biography of one of country music’s most celebrated singer-songwriters.

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The Politics of Massachusetts Exceptionalism

Reputation Meets Reality

University of Massachusetts Press
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Reframing Rhetorical History

Cases, Theories, and Methodologies

University of Alabama Press

A collection of essays providing insights into new directions in rhetorical history

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Illusion Is More Precise than Precision

The Poetry of Marianne Moore

University of Alabama Press

Erickson examines the work of Marianne Moore in order to provide some consistently successful strategies for understanding her poetry

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Getting Out of the Mud

The Alabama Good Roads Movement and Highway Administration, 1898–1928

University of Alabama Press

Recounts the history of the Good Roads Movement that arose in progressive-era Alabama, how it used the power of the state to achieve its objectives of improving market roads for farmers and highways for automobiles

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Dreams in the New Century

Instant Cities, Shattered Hopes, and Florida’s Turning Point

University Press of Florida
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DJ Screw

A Life in Slow Revolution

University of Texas Press

How a DJ’s innovative chopped and screwed technique changed the Houston hip-hop scene.

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Writing-Enriched Curricula

Models of Faculty-Driven and Departmental Transformation

The WAC Clearinghouse

This edited collection explores theoretical and practical applications of the Writing-Enriched Curriculum (WEC) approach, an innovative and sustainable alternative to writing across the curriculum and writing in the disciplines.

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Where the Red-Winged Blackbirds Sing

The Akimel O'odham and Cycles of Agricultural Transformation in the Phoenix Basin

University Press of Colorado

Where the Red-Winged Blackbirds Sing examines the ways in which the Akimel O’odham (“River People”) and their ancestors, the Huhugam, adapted to economic, political, and environmental constraints imposed by federal Indian policy, the Indian Bureau, and an encroaching settler population in Arizona’s Gila River Valley.

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The Mountaineer Site

A Folsom Winter Camp in the Rockies

University Press of Colorado

The Mountaineer Site presents over a decade’s worth of archaeological research conducted at Mountaineer, a Paleoindian campsite in Colorado’s Upper Gunnison Basin.

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Tactics of Hope in Latinx Children's and Young Adult Literature

University of New Mexico Press

Using Gloria Anzaldúa's theories of conocimiento as a critical lens, the authors examine several literary works including Side by Side / Lado a lado; They Call Me Güero; Land of the Cranes; Efrén Divided; and Gabi, a Girl in Pieces.

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Shrubs to Know in Pacific Northwest Forests

Oregon State University Press

This full-color, simple-to-use field guide makes shrub identification easy and fun. It features 100 of the most common shrubs that grow in and around Pacific Northwest forests—from southern British Columbia to northern California and from the Pacific Ocean to the northern Rockies. It includes an overview of shrub communities in the Pacific Northwest; more than five hundred color photos; individual range maps and complete descriptions for each species; notes on range and habitat, response to disturbance, traditional and current uses, and origin of names; glossary of identification terms; and an easy-to-use, well-tested identification key.

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Front-Wave Boomers

Growing (Very) Old, Staying Connected, and Reimagining Aging

UBC Press, On Point Press

Gillian Ranson weaves front-wave boomers’ stories of life and aging before and during the pandemic into a powerful account of how to make growing old more humane, for this generation and for everyone.

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Colorado Family Outdoor Adventure

An All-Ages Guide to Hiking, Camping, and Getting Outside

University of New Mexico Press

Colorado Family Outdoor Adventure is the definitive guide for families of all ages to experiencing the natural splendors of Colorado.

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A Legacy of Exploitation

Early Capitalism in the Red River Colony, 1763–1821

UBC Press

A Legacy of Exploitation recasts the Hudson’s Bay Company’s experiment at Red River as a reaction to Indigenous peoples’ autonomy, challenging collective historical fantasies of Canada as a glorious nation of adventurers.

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The Cancer Within

Reproduction, Cultural Transformation, and Health Care in Romania

Rutgers University Press

The Cancer Within examines cervical cancer in Romania as a point of entry into an anthropological reflection on contemporary health care. Fashioned by patriarchal relations, lived religion, and the historical trauma of pronatalism, Romanian women’s responses to reproductive medicine and cervical cancer prevention are complicated by neoliberal reforms to medical care.

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Stories That Bind

Political Economy and Culture in New India

Rutgers University Press

The book studies stories about India told through film, advertising, journalism, and popular non-fiction along with the stories narrated by political and corporate leaders to argue that Hindu nationalism and neoliberalism are conjoined in popular culture and that consent for this political economic project is crucially won in the domain of popular culture.

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Single Lives

Modern Women in Literature, Culture, and Film

Edited by Katherine Fama and Jorie Lagerwey; Afterword by Benjamin Kahan
Rutgers University Press

Inspired by the current public fascination with single women, Single Lives traces the relationship between modern and contemporary representations of single women. The original essays collected here analyze a broad range of texts that examine the ways films, cookbooks, archives, popular literature, and other British and American texts express norms, ideals, and challenges for single women and their relationship to dominant ideals of marriage and the family. This volume looks backwards to constellate existing scholarship, constituent fields, and unrecognized single voices and forward to consider new methods for interdisciplinary singles studies.

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New Deal Radio

The Educational Radio Project

Rutgers University Press

New Deal Radio examines the federal government's involvement in broadcasting during the New Deal period, looking at the U.S. Office of Education's Educational Radio Project. The book argues that this distinctive government commercial partnership amounted to a critical intervention in US broadcasting and an important chapter in the evolution of public radio in America.


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Janelle Monáe's Queer Afrofuturism

Defying Every Label

Rutgers University Press

This study of singer, actress, activist, and queer icon Janelle Monáe considers her as an intersectional figure who is actively reshaping discourses around race, gender, sexuality, and capitalism. Janelle Monáe’s Queer Afrofuturism is an exciting introduction to an audacious innovator whose work offers us fresh ways to talk about identity, desire, and power.

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High-Risk Feminism in Colombia

Women's Mobilization in Violent Contexts

Rutgers University Press

High-Risk Feminism in Colombia documents the experiences of four grassroots women’s organizations that united to demand gender justice during and in the aftermath of Colombia’s armed conflict. In doing so, the book illustrates a little-studied phenomenon: women whose experiences with violence catalyze them to mobilize and resist as feminists, even in the face of grave danger.

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Embodied Politics

Indigenous Migrant Activism, Cultural Competency, and Health Promotion in California

Rutgers University Press

Arguing for a structurally competent approach to migrant health, Embodied Politics shows how efforts to promote indigenous health may actually reinforce the same social and political economic forces, namely structural racism and neoliberalism, that are undermining the health of indigenous Oaxacans in Mexico and the United States.

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Embodied Economies

Diaspora and Transcultural Capital in Latinx Caribbean Fiction and Theater

Rutgers University Press

Embodied Economies compares works of Latinx Caribbean fiction and theater that explore the pitfalls and successes of economic upward mobility in diasporic communities. Each chapter compares two works in a counterpoint analysis that reveals the contradictions of using Latinx Caribbean culture to get ahead in the competitive fields of education, business, entertainment, and finance.


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Buyers Beware

Insurgency and Consumption in Caribbean Popular Culture

Rutgers University Press

Buyers Beware treats Caribbean pop cultural texts with the same critical attention as dominant mass cultural representations of the region to read them against the grain and consider how, and whether, their “pulp” preoccupation with contemporary fashion, music, sex, fast food, and television, is instructive for how race, class, gender, sexuality, and national politics are disseminated and consumed within the Caribbean.

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30 Animals That Made Us Smarter

Stories of the Natural World That Inspired Human Ingenuity

Island Press

Did you know that mosquitoes’ mouthparts are helping to develop pain-free surgical needles? Who'd have thought that the humble mussel could inspire so many useful things, from plywood production to a “glue” that can cement the crowns on teeth? Or that the design of polar bear fur may one day help keep humans warm in space? In everything from fashion to architecture, medicine to transportation, it may surprise you how many extraordinary inventions have been inspired by the natural world. In 30 Animals That Made Us Smarter, join wildlife biologist, TV host, and BBC podcaster Patrick Aryee as he tells stories of biomimicry, or innovations inspired by the natural world, that enrich our lives every day—and in some cases, save them.

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Expanding Darshan

Manjari Sharma, To See and Be Seen

Birmingham Museum of Art
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Blue Architecture

Water, Design, and Environmental Futures

University of Texas Press

A guide to water-focused and climate-resilient architectural and urban design.

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