The Psychology of Women under Patriarchy
These feminist scholars bridge preexisting divides between bio-psychological, sociological, and cultural perspectives to explain the ways that women's desires, goals, and identities interact with culturally situated systems in order to develop more complex theories about the psychological underpinnings of patriarchy and to inform more socially progressive policies to improve the lives of women and men globally.
Circling the Canon, Volume II
The Selected Book Reviews of Marjorie Perloff, 1995-2017
Circling the Canon, Volume II focuses on the second half of Marjorie Perloff's prolific career, showcasing reviews from 1995 through her 2017 reconsiderations of Jonathan Culler's theory of the lyric and William Empson's classic Seven Types of Ambiguity.
Circling the Canon, Volume I
The Selected Book Reviews of Marjorie Perloff, 1969-1994
Circling the Canon, Volume I covers roughly the first half of Perloff's career, beginning with her first ever review, on Anthony Hecht's The Hard Hours.
El Camino Real de California
From Ancient Pathways to Modern Byways
In an effort to establish the Camino Real de California as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Joseph P. Sánchez explores the rich history of the path running from San Diego to San Francisco in this significant study.
Breath and Smoke
Tobacco Use among the Maya
Breath and Smoke explores the uses of tobacco among the Maya of Central America, revealing tobacco as a key topic in pre-Columbian art, iconography, and hieroglyphics.
A Woman, a Man, a Nation
Mariquita Sánchez, Juan Manuel de Rosas, and the Beginnings of Argentina
Mariquita's and Juan Manuel's lives corresponded with the major events and processes that shaped the turbulent beginnings of the Argentine nation, many of which also shaped Latin America and the Atlantic World during the Age of Revolution (1750-1850).
To Serve the People
My Life Organizing with Cesar Chavez and the Poor
In this collection of what the author calls Easy Essays, Chatfield recounts his childhood, explains the social issues that have played a significant role in his life and work, and uncovers the lack of justice he saw all too frequently.
The Raptors of North America
A Coloring Book of Eagles, Hawks, Falcons, and Owls
The Raptors of North America provides a creative and educational overview of the majestic birds found throughout North America and encourages us to continue exploring the birds we find in our own backyards and beyond.
How Nature Works
Rethinking Labor on a Troubled Planet
The authors of this volume push ethnographic inquiry beyond the anthropocentric documentation of human work on nature in order to develop a language for thinking about how all labor is a collective ecological act.
Arizona State Parks
A Guide to Amazing Places in the Grand Canyon State
In this guide we join travel writer Roger Naylor as he takes us through the state parks of this amazing region.