The Allure of Immortality
An American Cult, a Florida Swamp, and a Renegade Prophet
Beating the Bounds
Excess and Restraint in Joyce’s Later Works
Conflict Archaeology, Historical Memory, and the Experience of War
Beyond the Battlefield
Archaeology on the Threshold
Studies in the Processes of Change
Ancient Foodways
Integrative Approaches to Understanding Subsistence and Society
Through various case studies, this volume illustrates how archaeologists can use bioarchaeology, zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, architecture, and other evidence to interpret past foodways and reconstruct past social worlds.
What Your Fossils Can Tell You
Vertebrate Morphology, Pathology, and Cultural Modification
An Irish-Jewish Politician, Joyce’s Dublin, and Ulysses
The Life and Times of Albert L. Altman
In this book, Neil Davison argues that Albert Altman, a Dublin-based businessman and Irish nationalist, influenced James Joyce’s creation of the character of Leopold Bloom as well as Ulysses’ broader themes surrounding race, nationalism, and empire.
It's Our Movement Now
Black Women’s Politics and the 1977 National Women’s Conference
Allegory and the Poetic Self
First-Person Narration in Late Medieval Literature
Isotope Research in Zooarchaeology
Methods, Applications, and Advances
Play All Night!
Duane Allman and the Journey to Fillmore East
America's Fortress
A History of Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas, Florida
Joyce without Borders
Circulations, Sciences, Media, and Mortal Flesh
Baseball and Cultural Heritage
This is the first volume to explore the understudied side of baseball—how its heritage is understood, interpreted, commodified, and performed for various purposes today, ultimately showing how the performance of baseball heritage can reflect the culture and heritage of a nation.