Showing 31-40 of 1,800 items.

Spies and Shuttles

NASA's Secret Relationships with the DoD and CIA

University Press of Florida

In this real life spy saga, James E. David reveals the extensive and largely hidden interactions between NASA and U.S. defense and intelligence departments.

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More Voices of Civil Rights Lawyers

Continuing the Struggle

University Press of Florida

In this book, twenty-three lawyers discuss their experiences in the struggle to advance and maintain civil rights in the United States South, from the 1960s to the 1980s and from Texas to Virginia to Florida.

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Archaeology in a Living Landscape

Envisioning Nonhuman Persons in the Indigenous Americas

University Press of Florida

This volume focuses on how Indigenous communities of the Americas have long recognized degrees of personhood within their landscapes, and its case studies show how researchers can incorporate this worldview in archaeological investigations, community relations, and interpretations.

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Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Iximché

University Press of Florida

This book reconstructs the history of Iximche, the capital of the Cakchiquel Maya in highland Guatemala, based on archaeological and ethnohistorical information.

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Modern Cuban

A Contemporary Approach to Classic Recipes

University Press of Florida

In this cookbook, Ana Quincoces reimagines traditional Cuban recipes for today’s home chefs, helping readers make timeless dishes that showcase the distinctive flavors of classic Cuban cuisine while crafting meals that are accessible to everyone.

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Bound Labor in the Turpentine Belt

Kinderlou Camp and Misdemeanor Convict Leasing in Georgia

University Press of Florida

In this book, Thomas Aiello takes a close look at the Deep South’s dependence on systems of bound labor during the post-Reconstruction era through the story of a labor camp in Georgia, drawing attention to the injustices and abuses of misdemeanor convict leasing.

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Zephaniah Kingsley Jr. and the Atlantic World

Slave Trader, Plantation Owner, Emancipator

University Press of Florida

This biography tells the story of Zephaniah Kingsley Jr., a controversial figure who owned a Florida plantation in the early American Republic

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An Archaeology of Life in a Coastal Community

University Press of Florida

This book weaves archaeology and history to illuminate this vibrant, densely packed Atlantic port city. It details the residential, commercial, and public life of the city, the ruins of taverns, markets, and townhouses, including those of Thomas Heyward, shipping merchant Nathaniel Russell, and William Aiken.

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Tears and Flowers

A Poet of Migration in Old Key West

University Press of Florida

A rare glimpse into the history and literary culture of the Cuban community in Key West in the early twentieth century, this book makes the poetry of Feliciano Castro—a writer, printer, editor, and cigar factory lector—available in English for the first time.

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New Dawn for the Kissimmee River

Orlando to Okeechobee by Kayak

University Press of Florida

This book chronicles a paddling expedition down the restored Kissimmee River, exploring the history and ecology of the region while highlighting the most successful restoration project of its kind in the world.

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