Showing 1,421-1,440 of 2,901 items.
The Gardens of Sallust
A Changing Landscape
University of Texas Press
In this ambitious work, Kim Hartswick undertakes the first comprehensive history of the Gardens of Sallust from Roman times to the present, as well as its influence on generations of scholars, intellectuals, and archaeologists.
Seeing and Being Seen
The Q'eqchi' Maya of Livingston, Guatemala, and Beyond
University of Texas Press
An ethnographic study of the morality and self-identity of the Q'eqchi' people of Livingston, Guatemala.
Science in Latin America
A History
Edited by Juan José Saldaña; Translated by Bernabé Madrigal
University of Texas Press
Eleven leading Latin American historians provide the first comprehensive overview of the history of science in Latin America from the sixteenth century to the present.
Ritual and Power in Stone
The Performance of Rulership in Mesoamerican Izapan Style Art
University of Texas Press
A masterful art historical analysis of how Late Preclassic (300 BC to AD 250) rulers in Chiapas, Mexico, created an elite visual language to express political and supernatural authority which spread through much of the Maya world.
On the Edge of the Law
Culture, Labor, and Deviance on the South Texas Border
By Chad Richardson and Rosalva Resendiz
University of Texas Press
A sociological study of issues ranging from health care to immigration to criminal justice drawn from interviews conducted by the Borderlife Research Project at the University of Texas–Pan American.
Heroes and Hero Cults in Latin America
Edited by Samuel Brunk and Ben Fallaw
University of Texas Press
A collection of original essays on ten modern Latin American heroes, their legacies, and the societies that produced them.
Demosthenes, Speeches 60 and 61, Prologues, Letters
Translated by Ian Worthington
University of Texas Press
Works by or attributed to the greatest orator of classical antiquity, which illuminate Athenian culture and politics in the 330s and 320s BC.
The Solaris Effect
Art and Artifice in Contemporary American Film
University of Texas Press
A groundbreaking study of how modern American filmmakers are using the "art film" model to explore the power of nature versus the power of art.
Rancheros in Chicagoacán
Language and Identity in a Transnational Community
By Marcia Farr
University of Texas Press
An ethnolinguistic portrait focusing on the language and identity of transnational ranchero Mexicans.
Monumental Ambivalence
The Politics of Heritage
University of Texas Press
A masterful examination of the "monumental ambivalence" that results when private and public interests compete to control and benefit from archaeological and historical sites.
Masterpieces of Ancient Egypt
University of Texas Press
This beautiful, richly illustrated book highlights 200 of the most magnificent and important Egyptian objects in the collections of the British Museum.
La ütz awäch?
Introduction to Kaqchikel Maya Language
University of Texas Press
An innovative language-learning guide that will help students, researchers, and professionals in many fields quickly develop basic communication skills in one of the four major Mayan languages.
Every Intellectual's Big Brother
George Orwell's Literary Siblings
By John Rodden
University of Texas Press
John Rodden uses the concept of reception history to shed new light on the way the memory of George Orwell has shaped and been shaped by the intellectuals of the last fifty years.
Ethnographic Film
Revised Edition
University of Texas Press
A new, thoroughly updated edition of a classic volume on visual anthropology.
Dissident Women
Gender and Cultural Politics in Chiapas
University of Texas Press
In this timely ethnographic study, nine Mexican and U.S. anthropologists examine the achievements of and challenges facing women participating in the Zapatista movement.
After Hitchcock
Influence, Imitation, and Intertextuality
Edited by David Boyd and R. Barton Palmer
University of Texas Press
Thirteen original essays by leading film scholars reveal the richness and variety of Alfred Hitchcock’s legacy as they trace his shaping influence on particular films, filmmakers, genres, and even on film criticism.
Woman with a Movie Camera
My Life as a Russian Filmmaker
University of Texas Press
A fascinating autobiography that tells the intertwining stories of one of Russia’s best-known documentary filmmakers and the eventful half century of Russian history she has recorded.
Weeping Mary
By O. Rufus Lovett; Introduction by Anne Wilkes Tucker
University of Texas Press
In the tradition of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Walker Evans, and Helen Levitt, this photo essay of a rural African American community tells a universal story of the human condition.
The Texas Book
Profiles, History, and Reminiscences of the University
Edited by Richard A. Holland
University of Texas Press
An informal, highly readable history of the University of Texas at Austin told through the stories of some of its most colorful characters and era-defining events.
Remembering the Hacienda
Religion, Authority, and Social Change in Highland Ecuador
University of Texas Press
A pathfinding study of how indigenous peasants experienced, responded to, and remember the often-harsh conditions of servitude in Ecuador's haciendas.
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