Showing 711-720 of 2,901 items.
Public Spending and Democracy in Classical Athens
University of Texas Press
Settling a debate that has been ongoing since classical times, this book calculates the real costs of religion, politics, and war to demonstrate what the Athenian citizenry valued most highly.
At Home with the Sapa Inca
Architecture, Space, and Legacy at Chinchero
By Stella Nair
University of Texas Press
This major architectural survey and analysis of the Inca royal estate at Chinchero significantly increases our understanding of how the Inca conceived, constructed, and gave meaning to their built environment.
The Last Civilized Place
Sijilmasa and Its Saharan Destiny
By Ronald A. Messier and James A. Miller
University of Texas Press
Drawing on archaeological discoveries and historical accounts, this book tells the lively story of Morocco’s legendary golden city and its pivotal role in medieval transcontinental trade, the spread of Islam, and the rise of several ruling dynasties.
Picture Cave
Unraveling the Mysteries of the Mississippian Cosmos
Edited by Carol Diaz-Granados, James R. Duncan, and F. Kent Reilly; Introduction by Patty Jo Watson; By (photographer) Alan Cressler
University of Texas Press
This extensively illustrated volume provides the first complete visual documentation and a pioneering iconographic analysis of Picture Cave, an eastern Missouri cavern filled with Native American pictographs that is one of the most important prehistoric s
LBJ's Neglected Legacy
How Lyndon Johnson Reshaped Domestic Policy and Government
University of Texas Press
Leading experts from many disciplines investigate the extraordinary range and extent of LBJ’s influence on American public policy and administration, a legacy that makes him one of America’s most effective, if controversial, leaders.
The Inka Empire
A Multidisciplinary Approach
Edited by Izumi Shimada
University of Texas Press
Leading international scholars from many complementary disciplines present a state-of-the-art, holistic, and in-depth vision of the Inka Empire, the largest political system that ever developed in the ancient New World.
The Best I Recall
A Memoir
University of Texas Press
In this lively, humorous, and often eloquent memoir, a legendary Texas journalist looks back at a career that ranged from sports writing with Bud Shrake, Dan Jenkins, and Blackie Sherrod to a twenty-five-year stint as Senior Editor at Texas Monthly.
On the Lips of Others
Moteuczoma's Fame in Aztec Monuments and Rituals
University of Texas Press
Examining how the name and portrait of Moteuczoma II were represented in Aztec monuments and colonial manuscripts, this richly interdisciplinary study illuminates the creation of fame and the politics of personhood and portraiture in the Aztec and colonia
Epideictic Rhetoric
Questioning the Stakes of Ancient Praise
University of Texas Press
An internationally recognized expert on ancient Greek rhetoric provides the definitive history and analysis of the oratory of praise and its social function in the Greco-Roman world.
A Right to Health
Medicine, Marginality, and Health Care Reform in Northeastern Brazil
University of Texas Press
This ethnographic study of a low-income neighborhood in the northeastern state of Ceará analyzes the complicated and compromised realities of Brazil’s universal health care system, pointing the way toward more successful planning of future reforms.
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