Showing 1,401-1,420 of 2,901 items.
Sound Design and Science Fiction
University of Texas Press
A contemporary study of the rise of sound design and its relationship to science fiction cinema.
Russell Lee Photographs
Images from the Russell Lee Photograph Collection at the Center for American History
University of Texas Press
The first book to show the full range and quality of Russell Lee’s work, as well as the first major publication of his photographs since 1978--contains over 140 images, 101 of which have never appeared in book publication.
Poison Arrows
North American Indian Hunting and Warfare
University of Texas Press
A provocative, comprehensive survey of organic compounds used as poisons—on arrows and spears, in food, and even as insecticides—by numerous Native American tribes.
Music in Latin America and the Caribbean: An Encyclopedic History
Volume 2: Performing the Caribbean Experience
Edited by Malena Kuss
University of Texas Press
The second book in a major four-volume work focusing on the musical legacies of the New World.
Lines in the Sand
Congressional Redistricting in Texas and the Downfall of Tom DeLay
University of Texas Press
A sweeping examination of the Texas Legislature’s controversial 2003 redistricting plan, whose effects continue to reverberate far beyond the state.
Kindler of Souls
Rabbi Henry Cohen of Texas
University of Texas Press
The definitive portrait of a legendary Texas rabbi, written by his grandson.
John Graves, Writer
Edited by Mark Busby and Terrell Dixon
University of Texas Press
The first book to focus on the entire life and work of John Graves, author of Goodbye to a River and arguably Texas’s most beloved and respected writer.
Exploring the Big Bend Country
By Peter Koch and June Cooper Price
University of Texas Press
One of the Big Bend’s most respected photographer-naturalists conducts a personal tour of the natural and human history of the region in words and photographs.
Bonfire of Roadmaps
By Joe Ely
University of Texas Press
Acclaimed singer-songwriter and Flatlanders band member Joe Ely creates an authentic picture in verse and drawings of a musician’s life on the road.
Before Fidel
The Cuba I Remember
University of Texas Press
A powerfully written memoir of personal and political coming-of-age in pre-Castro Cuba.
Women on a Journey
Between Baghdad and London
By Haifa Zangana; Translated by Judy Cumberbatch
University of Texas Press
A novel by a Kurdish-Iraqi writer that gives voice to contemporary Iraqi women’s experiences of political repression, violence, exile, and the yearning for peace.
The Dance of Freedom
Texas African Americans during Reconstruction
University of Texas Press
Twelve essays by noted Reconstruction-era historian Barry A. Crouch which explore the African American experience in Texas following emancipation.
Seductive Hallucinations of the "Mexican" in America
University of Texas Press
An original, provocative, and highly entertaining deconstruction of familiar Mexican stereotypes in American popular culture.
Ross Sterling, Texan
A Memoir by the Founder of Humble Oil and Refining Company
University of Texas Press
An autobiography by former Texas governor and oilman, Ross Sterling.
Cycles of Time and Meaning in the Mexican Books of Fate
University of Texas Press
A major new analysis and interpretation of the surviving body of ancient Mexican divinatory codices.
Brazilians Working With Americans/Brasileiros que trabalham com americanos
Cultural Case Studies/Estudos de casos culturais
By Orlando R. Kelm and Mary E. Risner
University of Texas Press
Ten bilingual case studies based on actual business situations successfully illustrate many of the cultural issues that arise when North American businesspeople work in Brazil.
A Tribal Order
Politics and Law in the Mountains of Yemen
By Shelagh Weir
University of Texas Press
A unique examination of the tribal politics and state-tribe relationship within a Yemen community that for centuries has disproved Western stereotypes.
Ancient Objects and Sacred Realms
Interpretations of Mississippian Iconography
University of Texas Press
A major reconstruction of the rituals, cosmology, ideology, and political structures of the prehistoric native peoples of the Mississippi River Valley and Southeastern United States.
Youth Culture in Global Cinema
Edited by Timothy Shary and Alexandra Seibel
University of Texas Press
Seventeen essays by film scholars from eleven countries consider how young people are represented in films around the world.
Tragedy Offstage
Suffering and Sympathy in Ancient Athens
University of Texas Press
An evocative study of the actions through which Athenians expressed compassion for those who suffered—as well as the limits of their pity.
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