Showing 501-510 of 2,899 items.
Harvey Penick
The Life and Wisdom of the Man Who Wrote the Book on Golf
By Kevin Robbins; Introduction by Ben Crenshaw
University of Texas Press
This biography of legendary golf pro Harvey Penick, which won the USGA Herbert Warren Wind Book Award, reveals how he distilled a lifetime of coaching on and off the course into the best-selling sports book of all time, Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book.
Andean Cosmopolitans
Seeking Justice and Reward at the Spanish Royal Court
University of Texas Press
Shifting the focus of Atlantic World studies to the Iberian peninsula, this volume reveals how Andean travelers to the Spanish royal court helped to construct, maintain, and transform transoceanic networks of power.
Creating Pátzcuaro, Creating Mexico
Art, Tourism, and Nation Building under Lázaro Cárdenas
University of Texas Press
Presenting extensive archival research in a lively narrative, this study reveals how celebrated Mexican president Lázaro Cárdenas mobilized cultural patronage and tourism in a project of nation building during the 1930s.
Texas Wildflowers
A Field Guide
University of Texas Press
Our best-selling field guide has been completely reorganized by flower colors for easier use—every wildflower is presented with a large color photo and an identifying description.
Misinformation and Mass Audiences
University of Texas Press
Addressing one of the most important but least-reported aspects of mass communication, this timely volume considers both the perils of misinformation and the possibilities for remedying its detrimental effects.
The New Gay for Pay
The Sexual Politics of American Television Production
University of Texas Press
Taking a bottom-up approach through interviews with numerous industry workers, this book deepens our understanding of the intricate processes behind the creation of the LGBT representations that appear on television.
Tropical Travels
Brazilian Popular Performance, Transnational Encounters, and the Construction of Race
By Lisa Shaw
University of Texas Press
Examining a range of popular cultural production, from music and dance to theater and film, this book explores how transatlantic and inter-American artistic exchanges redefined Brazilian identity, especially the perception of “race”.
Demosthenes, Speeches 23-26
Translated by Edward M. Harris
University of Texas Press
The final volume in The Oratory of Classical Greece series presents four speeches by or falsely ascribed to the most renowned of the ancient Greek orators, Demosthenes, which have not been translated in recent times.
Controlling Desires
Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome
By Kirk Ormand
University of Texas Press
Now with new chapters on Greek vase painting and Roman artifacts and wall paintings, Controlling Desires is the essential classroom and general introduction to sexual practices, attitudes, and beliefs in the classical world.
Pushing in Silence
Modernizing Puerto Rico and the Medicalization of Childbirth
University of Texas Press
This history of evolving birthing practices in Puerto Rico reveals how dramatic transformations in childbirth resulted from broader economic, political, and cultural shifts toward a model of industrial nationhood.
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