Showing 1,321-1,350 of 2,899 items.
Plants for Houston and the Gulf Coast
University of Texas Press
One of Texas's top organic gardening experts presents nearly 400 trees, shrubs, groundcovers and vines, annuals and perennials, and grasses suitable for Southeast Texas, illustrated with 400 color photos.
A Gallery of Texas Characters
By Gene Fowler
University of Texas Press
Popular writer and performer Gene Fowler profiles a gallery of eccentric Texans.
Land of the Permanent Wave
An Edwin "Bud" Shrake Reader
University of Texas Press
The foremost works of one of Texas's most influential writers—excerpts from all of Bud Shrake's novels (including Strange Peaches and Blessed McGill); articles from Sports Illustrated; and selections from Willie Nelson's autobiography, Shrake's screenplay
Historic Native Peoples of Texas
By William C. Foster; Introduction by Alston V. Thoms
University of Texas Press
The most complete, up-to-date portrait of Texas's Native peoples since W. W. Newcomb's 1961 book The Indians of Texas.
Drugs, Thugs, and Divas
Telenovelas and Narco-Dramas in Latin America
University of Texas Press
The first comprehensive analysis of South American telenovelas and Mexican narco-dramas and their role in shaping popular culture throughout the Americas and beyond.
Defiance and Passion in Early Italian Cinema
By Angela Dalle Vacche; Introduction by Guy Maddin
University of Texas Press
A passionate look at the figure of the diva in Italian film of the silent era, set within the visual, legal, and popular cultures surrounding the cinema before and after World War I.
Black Space
Imagining Race in Science Fiction Film
By Adilifu Nama
University of Texas Press
Analyzing many of the most popular and influential science fiction films of the past five decades, this book presents the most comprehensive work to date on how race and “blackness” are imagined in science fiction film.
Big Thicket People
Larry Jene Fisher's Photographs of the Last Southern Frontier
University of Texas Press
An irreplaceable collection of photographs that documents ways of living off the land that once were common across the entire South.
Bat Bomb
World War II's Other Secret Weapon
By Jack Couffer
University of Texas Press
How an oddball cast of characters tried to create a bizarre weapon in World War II.
Bob Bullock
God Bless Texas
By Dave McNeely and Jim Henderson
University of Texas Press
An authoritative, highly readable biography of the most powerful and colorful lieutenant governor in Texas history, Bob Bullock.
Women Legislators in Central America
Politics, Democracy, and Policy
University of Texas Press
The first detailed study of women elected to the national legislatures of Central American republics.
Vestal Virgins, Sibyls, and Matrons
Women in Roman Religion
University of Texas Press
A sweeping overview of Roman women’s roles and functions in religion and, by extension, in Rome’s history and culture from the republic through the empire.
Latina Public Officials in Texas
By Sonia R. García, Valerie Martinez-Ebers, Irasema Coronado, Sharon A. Navarro, and Patricia A. Jaramillo; Introduction by Patricia Madrid
University of Texas Press
In-depth profiles of the women who have been the first Latinas to hold key elected and appointed positions in Texas government.
Performing Kinship
Narrative, Gender, and the Intimacies of Power in the Andes
University of Texas Press
A unique analysis of the stories, conversations, gossip, public speeches, and other narratives that shape community and identity among peasant women of the Bolivian highlands.
José Limón and La Malinche
The Dancer and the Dance
Edited by Patricia Seed
University of Texas Press
A multifaceted exploration of La Malinche, the ballet created by José Limón, one of the leading figures of modern dance in the twentieth century.
Invisible City
Poverty, Housing, and New Urbanism
University of Texas Press
A provocative look at the true forces that shape housing markets, challenging mainstream theories of supply and demand and calling for a new way to provide shelter to our cities’ most overlooked inhabitants—the elderly, the disabled, and the poor.
Fertile Matters
The Politics of Mexican-Origin Women's Reproduction
University of Texas Press
An exploration into how Mexican-origin women’s reproduction has been stereotyped and demonized in the United States.
Spanish Vocabulary
An Etymological Approach
University of Texas Press
By the author of Spanish Verbs Made Simple(r) and French Verbs Made Simple(r)—an innovative approach to learning Spanish vocabulary based on understanding the etymology of Spanish words.
The Hidden History of Capoeira
A Collision of Cultures in the Brazilian Battle Dance
University of Texas Press
A richly researched historical and cultural study of capoeira, the Brazilian martial art/dance that is spreading around the world.
Spanish Central America
A Socioeconomic History, 1520–1720
University of Texas Press
Now with an updated historiographical and bibliographical introduction—a sweeping history of the middle centuries of Spain’s colonial enterprise in Central America.
Remembering Victoria
A Tragic Nahuat Love Story
University of Texas Press
An anthropological account of a Nahuat Mexican community that broke down into violence and fratricide following the destruction of its property by the Mexican army, told in the words of a Nahuat husband grieving for his murdered wife.
Pyramids and Nightclubs
A Travel Ethnography of Arab and Western Imaginations of Egypt, from King Tut and a Colony of Atlantis to Rumors of Sex Orgies, Urban Legends about a Marauding Prince, and Blonde Belly Dancers
By L. L. Wynn
University of Texas Press
A revealing ethnography of the ways in which globalism, history, and other factors shape perceptions of identity in urban Egypt.
Mother Earth and Uncle Sam
How Pollution and Hollow Government Hurt Our Kids
University of Texas Press
An assessment of the ways in which the government has failed to protect our youngest generation from toxic exposure and harm, and what can be done to correct these failures now.
Life After Welfare
Reform and the Persistence of Poverty
University of Texas Press
A comprehensive, gripping study of how 179 families have managed in post–welfare reform Texas, and of the themes that define life after welfare.
Fifty Years of Change on the U.S.-Mexico Border
Growth, Development, and Quality of Life
University of Texas Press
A study of cross-border economic issues and developments comparing the disparate industrial growth and income gap between the regions on either side of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Fernández de Oviedo's Chronicle of America
A New History for a New World
By Kathleen Ann Myers; Translated by Nina M. Scott
University of Texas Press
A masterful examination of how Fernández de Oviedo’s General and Natural History of the Indies created a new model for writing history that reflected the vastness of the New World and Spain’s colonial enterprise there.
Celluloid Vampires
Life After Death in the Modern World
University of Texas Press
In this entertaining and absorbing work, author Stacey Abbott challenges the conventional interpretation of vampire mythology and argues that the medium of film has completely reinvented the vampire archetype.
Yard Art and Handmade Places
Extraordinary Expressions of Home
University of Texas Press
A beautifully illustrated book that explores how the making of yard art expresses an exuberant sense of self and helps build communities.
Women, Celebrity, and Literary Culture between the Wars
By Faye Hammill
University of Texas Press
A fascinating look at seven American, Canadian, and English women writers—Dorothy Parker, Anita Loos, Mae West, L. M. Montgomery, Margaret Kennedy, Stella Gibbons, and E. M. Delafield—who achieved popular success in the 1920s and 1930s and whose work is s
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