Showing 2,841-2,860 of 2,881 items.
The United States and Inter-American Security, 1889–1960
University of Texas Press
This comprehensive case study examines every aspect of security cooperation in the Western Hemisphere in the mid-twentieth century.
Image of Britain 2
Edited by Thomas Mabry Cranfill
University of Texas Press
Essays, fiction, poetry, and illustrations about British life and culture in the mid-twentieth century.
Image of Britain 1
Edited by Thomas Mabry Cranfill
University of Texas Press
Essays, fiction, poetry, and illustrations about British life and culture in the mid-twentieth century.
Home on the Double Bayou
Memories of an East Texas Ranch
University of Texas Press
The memoir of a man's boyhood on a ranch in east Texas.
6000 Miles of Fence
By Cordia Sloan Duke and Joe B. Frantz
University of Texas Press
This book of reminiscences of old XIT Ranch cowmen puts on record the everyday life of the individuals who made the ranch run.
The Virgin's Children
Life in an Aztec Village Today
University of Texas Press
An absorbing account of the descendants of the ancient Aztecs and of the survival of their culture into the twentieth century in the Valley of Mexico is presented in this fascinating volume
Polk and the Presidency
University of Texas Press
How and why James K. Polk, the eleventh President of the United States, responded to the challenges of his times and thereby increased the authority and importance of the Presidential role for future incumbents.
Thomas J. Wise
Centenary Studies
Edited by William B. Todd
University of Texas Press
Essays on a major literary forger.
Hamlin Garland
A Biography
University of Texas Press
A literary biography tracing Hamlin Garland's shift in mid-career from the harsh verisimilitude of Prairie Folks and Prairie Songs to a romanticizing of the Far West, and from ardent espousal of the principles of “veritism” to violent denunciations of nat
Will Clayton
A Short Biography
University of Texas Press
The biography of a man who left his mark on world commerce through the development of a large cotton marketing firm, and who made an equally important impress on international economics and politics through special and vital service in the State Department during three crucial years of world history.
Frontier Ways
Sketches of Life in the Old West
University of Texas Press
A lively description of life in the frontier American West.
The Spanish Element in Texas Water Law
University of Texas Press
A history of how Spanish law influenced the development of Texas water law.
The Muse in Mexico
A Mid-Century Miscellany
Edited by Thomas Mabry Cranfill
University of Texas Press
A collection of Mexican fiction, poetry, and art from the mid-twentieth century.
The Individuality of Portugal
A Study in Historical-Political Geography
University of Texas Press
The factors that caused Portugal to become a separate nation when other regions of the Iberian peninsula became part of Spain.
The Cradle of Erewhon
Samuel Butler in New Zealand
By Joseph Jones
University of Texas Press
An examination and interpretation of the ways in which Samuel Butler's few crucial years in New Zealand affected his life and work, particularly Erewhon and Erewhon Revisited.
Rich’s Farewell to Military Profession, 1581
Edited by Thomas Mabry Cranfill; By Barnaby Rich
University of Texas Press
The present edition affords an opportunity to read Rich's tales in the form in which Elizabethans knew them.
James Stephen Hogg
A Biography
University of Texas Press
A biography of the first native Texan to serve as the state's governor.
Milton and This Pendant World
University of Texas Press
Believing that Milton has a vital message for the modern world, Whiting has abandoned the usual pattern for examining a poet—study of versification, meter, and other poetic devices—in favor of an exposition of the spiritual and moral meaning of Milton’s
With His Pistol in His Hand
A Border Ballad and Its Hero
University of Texas Press
The true story behind a border ballad, the creation of the ballad, and the ballad's evolution over time.
New Letters to the Tatler and Spectator
Edited by Richmond P. Bond
University of Texas Press
Ninety-six letters to the Tatler and the Spectator, representing what was probably the largest extant body of unpublished material relating directly to the two journals, appeared for the first time in print in this book.
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