Showing 2,741-2,760 of 2,901 items.
Medicine in Mexico
From Aztec Herbs to Betatrons
University of Texas Press
The history of medicine and public health and welfare in Mexico through the mid-twentieth century.
Lord Byron's Cain
Twelve essays and a text with variants and annotations
University of Texas Press
A study of one of Byron's most notable poetic dramas.
Littlefield Lands
Colonization on the Texas Plains, 1912–1920
University of Texas Press
A detailed examination of the operations of a land company in the early twentieth century.
Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 5
By Robert Wauchope; Edited by Norman A. McQuown
University of Texas Press
A summary of work accomplished since the Spanish conquest in the contemporary description and historical reconstruction of the indigenous languages and language families of Mexico and Central America.
Guy of Warwick
Edited by William B. Todd
University of Texas Press
A translation of a heroic romance originally composed about 1240 A.D.
Civil Service Reform in Brazil
Principles Versus Practice
University of Texas Press
Why public administration theories of the United States and Western Europe, when transplanted to another cultural setting, did not take root and in fact unexpectedly proved to be most applicable in Brazil during periods of autocratic rule.
Administrative Implementation of Civil Rights
University of Texas Press
An examination of the role, operation, and contribution of the device most often relied on by local and state governments for dealing with intergroup problems—the human-relations commission.
Who if I Cry Out
By Gustavo Corção; Translated by Clotilde Wilson
University of Texas Press
This novel is the diary of a thoughtful man facing the imminent prospect of death and trying to find the meaning of life.
Vasconcelos of Mexico
Philosopher and Prophet
University of Texas Press
A unified, inclusive, and occasionally critical presentation of the entire range of Vasconcelos’s thought.
Vargas of Brazil
A Political Biography
University of Texas Press
A biography of the man who was the dominant public figure in Brazil from 1930 until 1954, a highly contradictory and controversial personality.
Three Men in Texas
Bedichek, Webb, and Dobie
Edited by Ronnie Dugger
University of Texas Press
Essays on the three famous friends, originally published in the Texas Observer.
The United States and the Atlantic Community
Issues and Prospects
Edited by James R. Roach; Introduction by M. Donald Hancock
University of Texas Press
A series of lectures delivered by five eminent statesmen and political theorists at the University of Texas in the spring of 1966 on the general theme of “The United States and the Atlantic Community: Issues and Prospects.”
The Negro and His Folklore in Nineteenth-Century Periodicals
Edited by Bruce Jackson
University of Texas Press
Originally published in 1967, this anthology examines how the folklore of blacks in America was portrayed in nineteenth-century periodicals.
The Inter American Press Association
Its Fight for Freedom of the Press, 1926–1960
University of Texas Press
A study of the history of this group that has fought for freedom of the press in Latin America.
The Brazilians
Their Character and Aspirations
University of Texas Press
José Honório Rodrigues confronts the questions of who and what the Brazilian is, what Brazil stands for, where it has been, and where it is going.
Steel and Economic Growth in Mexico
University of Texas Press
A history of the Mexican iron and steel industry through the 1960s.
Spain and the Abolition of Slavery in Cuba, 1817–1886
University of Texas Press
This book explores the abolition of African slavery in Spanish Cuba from 1817 to 1886—from the first Anglo-Spanish agreement to abolish the slave trade until the removal from Cuba of the last vestige of black servitude.
Sherwood Anderson and Other Famous Creoles
A Gallery of Contemporary New Orleans
University of Texas Press
Drawings of people in the arts in New Orleans in the 1920s.
Reflections on Latin American Development
By Roberto de Olivera Campos; Introduction by Benjamin Higgins
University of Texas Press
A comprehensive analysis of many aspects of Latin American economic development in the mid-twentieth century.
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