Predatory Economies
The Sanema and the Socialist State in Contemporary Amazonia
A study of the modes of predation used by and against the Sanema people of Venezuela.
Circumcision and Medicine in Modern Turkey
An investigation of how the expansion of modern medicine in Turkey transformed young boys’ experiences of circumcision.
The Thirty-first of March
An Intimate Portrait of Lyndon Johnson
The Mexican American Experience in Texas
Citizenship, Segregation, and the Struggle for Equality
Nested Ecologies
A Multilayered Ethnography of Functional Medicine
How functional medicine leverages systems biology and epigenetic science to treat the microbiome and reverse chronic disease.
Dinosaurs and Other Ancient Animals of Big Bend
A time-traveling field guide to the ancient version of Big Bend National Park.
Handbook of Latin American Studies, Vol. 76
Comic Book Women
Characters, Creators, and Culture in the Golden Age
Armadillos to Ziziphus
A Naturalist in the Texas Hill Country
This book aims to show people, in short pieces accompanied by one image, some of the surprising, fascinating, and ecologically valuable things happening around a Hill Country ranch.
We Are All Armenian
Voices from the Diaspora
A collection of essays about Armenian identity and belonging in the diaspora.
Trillin on Texas
Pitching Democracy
Baseball and Politics in the Dominican Republic
How Dominicans contribute to Major League Baseball and what they receive in return.
Contar historias
Escritura creativa en el aula
A Pure Solar World
Sun Ra and the Birth of Afrofuturism
Texas Lithographs
A Century of History in Images
A stunning and comprehensive collection of lithographs from 1818 to 1900 Texas.