Showing 181-190 of 509 items.
The Archaeology of Wak'as
Explorations of the Sacred in the Pre-Columbian Andes
Edited by Tamara L. Bray
University Press of Colorado
In this edited volume, Andean wak'as—idols, statues, sacred places, images, and oratories—play a central role in understanding Andean social philosophies, cosmologies, materialities, temporalities, and constructions of personhood. Top Andean scholars from a variety of disciplines cross regional, theoretical, and material boundaries in their chapters, offering innovative methods and theoretical frameworks for interpreting the cultural particulars of Andean ontologies and notions of the sacred.
Interaction and Connectivity in the Greater Southwest
By Karen Harry and Barbara J. Roth
University Press of Colorado
This book explores different kinds of social interaction that occurred prehistorically across the Southwest.
Contested Waters
An Environmental History of the Colorado River
University Press of Colorado
The Colorado River is a vital resource to urban and agricultural communities across the Southwest, providing water to 30 million people. Contested Waters tells the river's story-a story of conquest, control, division, and depletion.
Distant Islands
The Japanese American Community in New York City, 1876-1930s
By Daniel H. Inouye; Foreword by David Reimers
University Press of Colorado
A modern narrative history of the Japanese American community in New York City between America's centennial year and the Great Depression of the 1930s.
The Once and Future Silver Queen of the Rockies
Georgetown, Colorado, and the Fight for Survival into the Twentieth Century
By Christine Bradley and Duane A Smith
University Press of Colorado
The Once and Future Silver Queen of the Rockies delves into the life of Georgetown, Colorado, after the turn of the twentieth century as mining in Clear Creek County steadily declined and ultimately collapsed.
Making an American Workforce
The Rockefellers and the Legacy of Ludlow
Edited by Fawn-Amber Montoya
University Press of Colorado
Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the policies of the early years of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, Making an American Workforce explores John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s welfare capitalist programs and their effects on the company's diverse workforce.
Late Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers of the Jornada Mogollon
Edited by Thomas R. Rocek and Nancy A. Kenmotsu
University Press of Colorado
An up-to-date summary of the major developments in the region and their implications for Southwest archaeology in particular and anthropological archaeological research more generally.
The Nature of Hope
Grassroots Organizing, Environmental Justice, and Political Change
Edited by Char Miller and Jeff Crane
University Press of Colorado
The critical implications that emerge from these stories about ecological activism are crucial to understanding the essential role that protecting the environment plays in sustaining the health of civil society.
Foraging in the Past
Archaeological Studies of Hunter-Gatherer Diversity
By Lemke
University Press of Colorado
Foraging in the Past takes an explicitly archaeological approach to the potential of the archaeological record to document the variability and time depth of hunter-gatherers.
Maya Narrative Arts
University Press of Colorado
Authors Karen Bassie-Sweet and Nicholas A. Hopkins present a comprehensive and innovative analysis of the principles of Classic Maya narrative arts.
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