Writing the Classroom
Pedagogical Documents as Rhetorical Genres
Writing the Classroom explores how faculty compose and use pedagogical documents to establish classroom expectations and teaching practices, as well as to articulate the professional identities they perform both inside and outside the classroom.
The Material Culture of Writing
The Material Culture of Writing opens up avenues for understanding writing through scholarship in material culture studies.
Still, the Small Voice
Narrative, Personal Revelation, and the Mormon Folk Tradition
Violence in the Work of Composition
Recognizing, Intervening, Ameliorating
Focusing on overt and covert violence and bringing attention to the many ways violence inflects and infects the teaching, administration, and scholarship of composition, Violence in the Work of Composition examines both forms of violence and the reciprocal relationships uniting them across the discipline.
The Dual Enrollment Kaleidoscope
Reconfiguring Perceptions of First-Year Writing and Composition Studies
Drilled to Write
Becoming a Cadet Writer at a Senior Military College
Racing Translingualism in Composition
Toward a Race-Conscious Translingualism
Racing Translingualism provides both theoretical and pedagogical reconsiderations of the translingual approach to language diversity by addressing the intersections of race and translingualism.
Our Body of Work
Embodied Administration and Teaching
Our Body of Workinvites administrators and teachers to consider how physical bodies inform everyday work and labor as well as research and administrative practices in writing programs.
Reprogrammable Rhetoric
Critical Making Theories and Methods in Rhetoric and Composition
Toward an Anti-Capitalist Composition
In Toward an Anti-Capitalist Composition, James Rushing Daniel argues that capitalism is eminently responsible for the entangled catastrophes of the twenty-first century—precarity, economic and racial inequality, the decline of democratic culture, and climate change—and that it must accordingly become a central focus in the teaching of writing.