Showing 1,201-1,250 of 2,098 items.
On Creating a Usable Culture
Margaret Mead and the Emergence of American Cosmopolitanism
University of Hawaii Press
Leaves of the Same Tree
Trade and Ethnicity in the Straits of Melaka
University of Hawaii Press
Modernist Fiction from Japan, 1913–1938
Edited by William J. Tyler
University of Hawaii Press
What Is Asian American Biblical Hermeneutics? Reading the New Testament
University of Hawaii Press
Fundamentals of Japanese Grammar
Comprehensive Acquisition
By Yuki Johnson
University of Hawaii Press
What's the Use of Art?
Asian Visual and Material Culture in Context
Edited by Jan Mrazek and Morgan Pitelka
University of Hawaii Press
Critical Approaches to Korean Geography
Edited by Timothy R. Tangherlini and Sallie Yea
University of Hawaii Press
Japan and the League of Nations
Empire and World Order, 1914–1938
University of Hawaii Press
Japanese Studies in the United States and Canada
Continuities and Opportunities
By The Japan Foundation Headquarters
University of Hawaii Press
Eating Identities
Reading Food in Asian American Literature
By Wenying Xu
University of Hawaii Press
East-West Montage
Reflections on Asian Bodies in Diaspora
By Sheng-mei Ma
University of Hawaii Press
Two Homelands
By Toyoko Yamasaki; Translated by V. Dixon Morris
University of Hawaii Press
The Distorting Mirror
Visual Modernity in China
By Laikwan Pang
University of Hawaii Press
Prophet Motive
Deguchi Onisaburō, Oomoto, and the Rise of New Religions in Imperial Japan
University of Hawaii Press
Polarizing Javanese Society
Islamic and Other Visions (c. 1830–1930)
University of Hawaii Press
The Future of Tokelau
Decolonising Agendas, 1975–2006
By Judith Huntsman and Kelihiano Kalolo
University of Hawaii Press
Penina Uliuli
Contemporary Challenges in Mental Health for Pacific Peoples
University of Hawaii Press
Colonial Legacies
Economic and Social Development in East and Southeast Asia
University of Hawaii Press
Crossing Over
Stories of Partition from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
Edited by Frank Stewart and Sukrita Paul Kumar
University of Hawaii Press
Vaka Moana, Voyages of the Ancestors
The Discovery and Settlement of the Pacific
Edited by K. R. Howe
University of Hawaii Press
Refracted Modernity
Visual Culture and Identity in Colonial Taiwan
Edited by Yuko Kikuchi
University of Hawaii Press
Songs from the Second Float
A Musical Ethnography of Taku Atoll, Papua New Guinea
University of Hawaii Press
The White Pacific
U.S. Imperialism and Black Slavery in the South Seas after the Civil War
By Gerald Horne
University of Hawaii Press
History in Uniform
Military Ideology and the Construction of Indonesia’s Past
University of Hawaii Press
Christianity in Korea
Edited by Robert E. Buswell, Jr. and Timothy S. Lee
University of Hawaii Press
Chinese Modernity and Global Biopolitics
Studies in Literature and Visual Culture
University of Hawaii Press
Cham Muslims of the Mekong Delta
Place and Mobility in the Cosmopolitan Periphery
University of Hawaii Press
The Growth and Collapse of Pacific Island Societies
Archaeological and Demographic Perspectives
Edited by Patrick Vinton Kirch and Jean-Louis Rallu
University of Hawaii Press
Remembering the Kana
A Guide to Reading and Writing the Japanese Syllabaries in 3 Hours Each
University of Hawaii Press
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