Showing 71-80 of 2,686 items.

The High School

Sports, Spirit, and Citizens, 1903-2024

Rutgers University Press

Taking over a century’s worth of yearbooks from his alma mater, Salinas High School, as a historical archive, acclaimed sociologist Michael A. Messner discovers a not-so-distant time when all the cheerleaders were boys and nearly equal attention was paid to boys’ and girls’ sports. In the process, he explores the changing meanings of high school athletics.

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Say Her Name

Centering Black Feminism and Black Women in Sport

Rutgers University Press

Say Her Name: Centering Black Feminism and Black Women in Sports offers an in-depth look into the lived experiences of Blackgirlwomen as athletes, activists, and everyday people through a Black feminist lens. With so much research on race centered on Black men and gender research focusing on white women, Say Her Name offers a necessary conversation that places Blackgirlwomen at the center of discussion.

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Islamists in a Zionist Coalition

The Political and Religious Origins

Rutgers University Press

Islamists in a Zionist Coalition explores a political drama that shocked Israel and the world in 2021: the decision of an Islamist party to join a Zionist coalition, and its elevation to the position of "king-maker" in Israeli politics. Based on analyses of hundreds of texts and exclusive interviews, it uncovers the religious and political origins of a development that will greatly impact Israeli society in years to come.

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Films That Spill

Beyond the Cinema of Transgression

Rutgers University Press

Films That Spill takes up a previously understudied moment in 1980s underground culture in New York City called Cinema of Transgression, offering both a microhistory of the intermingling art, music, performance, and film scenes of the time and a glimpse into their afterlives.

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At Home with the Holocaust

Postmemory, Domestic Space, and Second-Generation Holocaust Narratives

Rutgers University Press

Based on analyses of literature and oral histories of children of survivors, At Home with the Holocaust reveals how the material conditions of survivor-family homes, along with household practices and belongings, rendered these homes as archives of trauma that in turn traumatized the children of Holocaust survivors.

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Apocalyptic Crimes

Why Nuclear Weapons Are Illegal and Must Be Abolished

Rutgers University Press

Ronald C. Kramer applies theories from criminology to argue that possession of nuclear weapons is a criminal act and shows how a nuclear apocalypse might be averted, offering a pathway to the abolition of these devastating weapons. 

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Caribbean Inhospitality

The Poetics of Strangers at Home

Rutgers University Press

Caribbean Inhospitality juxtaposes the Caribbean’s reputation for being hospitable to foreigners with the alienation of the Caribbean citizen-subject from nations they call home. Reading literary, cinematic, and digital texts, Natalie Lauren Belisle demonstrates that this inhospitality is institutionalized through the aesthetic, reproducing itself in the laws that condition belonging and membership in the Caribbean nation-state. 

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Memorializing Violence

Transnational Feminist Reflections

Rutgers University Press

This volume brings together feminist reflections on the transnational lives of memorializations to colonial, imperial, militarized, and state violence. It asks what’s at stake in memorializing amidst and against ongoing harm and injustice produced by white supremacist global capitalist empire.

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Memorializing Violence

Transnational Feminist Reflections

Rutgers University Press

This volume brings together feminist reflections on the transnational lives of memorializations to colonial, imperial, militarized, and state violence. It asks what’s at stake in memorializing amidst and against ongoing harm and injustice produced by white supremacist global capitalist empire.

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Labs of Our Own

Feminist Tinkerings with Science

Rutgers University Press

Labs of Our Own demonstrates the perils and possibilities that emerge from experiments in democratizing science. The book ultimately intervenes in stale debates for and against science by arguing against uncritical excitement for democratic science and instead for critical science literacy and feminist tinkering as third ways forward.

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