Performing Math
A History of Communication and Anxiety in the American Mathematics Classroom
Linked Lives
Elder Care, Migration, and Kinship in Sri Lanka
Has It Come to This?
The Promises and Perils of Geoengineering on the Brink
Gentrification Down the Shore
Gentrification in cities in the United States is a hot topic, but this book contributes something new to the ongoing discussion by offering a rich case study of seasonal gentrification and its effects on long time residents. Summer days in Asbury once again mean tourists strolling the boardwalk and dining by the Atlantic Ocean. But just across the railroad tracks from the seasonal crowds, many of Asbury’s long-time residents live below the poverty line and struggle for their share of this prosperity throughout all four seasons of the year.
Forget Burial
HIV Kinship, Disability, and Queer/Trans Narratives of Care
American War Stories
Citizen Power
A Citizen Leadership Manual, New Jersey Edition
The Thinking Woman
Australian novelist Julienne van Loon engages with eight world-renowned female intellectuals, writers, and activists to consider what philosophy might teach us about ethics, politics, and the nature of existence, and how might we relate these big ideas back to the smaller everyday concerns of domestic life, work, play, love, and relationships.