On the Frontlines of Crisis
Intensive Care and the Challenge of COVID-19
On the Frontlines of Crisis by Jason Rodriquez is a powerful and deeply human account of the experiences of healthcare workers during one of the most harrowing periods in modern history—the COVID-19 pandemic. As hospitals around the globe became overwhelmed by the influx of critically ill patients, those working in intensive care units (ICUs) were thrust into an unprecedented battle against a new, deadly virus about which little was understood. Rodriquez takes readers into the heart of two Massachusetts ICUs to learn about the people who put their lives on the line and faced unimaginable challenges as they treated critically ill patients at the peak of the pandemic.
Menace of Our Time
The Long War Against American Communism
Menace of Our Time provides a history of the repression against the Communist Party, USA, the longest-lasting, most intensive, domestic repressive campaign ever undertaken against a political organization in the United States. While the magnitude of attacks between the years 1917-1991 varied, there was never a time when U.S. communism was not a high-priority target of the U.S. political, social, and criminal justice apparatus. There has never been anything on this scale, before or since.
Film as Argument
The Secret to Feature Film Storytelling
This book makes the case that the secret to feature filmmaking is that it is fundamentally the practice of making a very specific type of argument. It deep-dives into how filmmakers are trained and taught to think about filmmaking, looking at hundreds of films to explore why knowing this can both unlock both a greater appreciation of the form, and improve a filmmaker’s technique.
Families for Mobility
Elite Korean Students Abroad and Their Parents' Reproduction of Privilege
Families for Mobility documents elite Korean transnational families, focusing on how they use elite education abroad as a tool for class reproduction. Drawing on interviews with parents and children at elite U.S. colleges, the book argues that gendered transnational parenting—by both mothers and fathers—plays a crucial role in the intergenerational transmission of mobility and cosmopolitan lifestyles.
A Short History of Film, Fourth Edition
The history of international cinema is now available in a concise, conveniently sized, and affordable volume. Succinct yet comprehensive, A Short History of Film, Fourth Edition provides an accessible overview of the major movements, directors, studios, and genres from the 1880s to the present. More than 250 rare stills and illustrations accompany the text, bringing readers face to face with many of the key players and films that have marked the industry.
Undocumented in the U.S. South
How Youth Navigate Racialization in Policy and School Contexts
Undocumented in the U. S. South is a rare look into the everyday realities of undocumented youth in K-12 public schools. In an anti-immigrant policy context, youth and their families navigate historical and current legacies and realities of segregation, racial discrimination and inequality. With a deep three-year ethnographic study, hundreds of hours of observational research, interviews, and policy analysis, Rodriguez traces the lives of undocumented youth across multiple public school settings, calling for policies that are humanizing and rooted in youth experience.
The Darién Gap
A Reporter's Journey through the Deadly Crossroads of the Americas
A bracing dispatch from one of the most dangerous places in the world about the millions of migrants who risk their lives to travel through it.
Race and Place
School Desegregation in Prince George's County, Maryland
Race and Place considers the everyday experiences of community members throughout the process of school desegregation and how race, place, and truth came to matter in this process in Prince George’s County, Maryland from 1945 through 1973.
Monuments Askew
An Elliptical History of the Factory of the Eccentric Actor
In a city reeling from Bolshevik revolution, a group of Ukrainian transplants formed the Factory of the Eccentric Actor—a collective devoted to the revolutionary overhaul of stagnant cultural institutions. The story of these artists and their first steps in cinema is perhaps the best kept secret in early Soviet culture.
Fantasies of Hong Kong Disneyland
Attempted Indigenizations of Space, Labor, and Consumption
Jenny Banh examines the attempt to transplant Disney's "happiest place on earth" to Hong Kong, delving into the three-way dynamics of American culture-corporation intentions; Hong Kong, China government investment; and Hong Kong and Chinese audiences. The situation poses special challenges for Disney's efforts to manage space, labor, and consumption to achieve local adaptation and business success.