Showing 181-190 of 2,686 items.

A Nation of Family and Friends?

Sport and the Leisure Cultures of British Asian Girls and Women

Rutgers University Press

In A Nation of Family and Friends sociologist Aarti Ratna interrogates sport and leisure cultures as a site of common culture. Ratna portrays and analyses the vagaries of British Asian-ness and examines the intersections of class, caste, age, generation, gender, and sexuality, providing a rich and critical exploration of British Asian women's sport and leisure choices, pleasures, and lived realities.

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Politicizing Islam in Austria

The Far-Right Impact in the Twenty-First Century

Rutgers University Press

Politicizing Islam in Austria is a comprehensive examination of the influence of the far right on the Austrian political landscape and the impact its anti-Muslim agenda has had in a country whose longstanding state recognition of the Muslim community dates to as early as 1912.

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The Gospel of Judas, A Novel

By Giuseppe Berto; Translated by Gregory Conti; Foreword by Alessandro Vettori
Rutgers University Press

In Glory, Judas Iscariot finally tells his side of the story. From his perspective, Jesus is the betrayer, while Judas himself brought humanity a chance at redemption. Through Judas’s searing tortured monologues, this late masterpiece from one of Italy’s greatest writers investigates deep questions about the nature of faith, rebellion, fate, and free will.

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Messianic Zionism in the Digital Age

Jews, Noahides, and the Third Temple Imaginary

Rutgers University Press

In this groundbreaking ethnographic study of the transnational Third Temple and Children of Noah movements, Messianic Zionism in the Digital Age highlights the intimate effects of political theologies in motion, new forms of digital missionizing, and the birth of a new Judaic faith. 

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Making History Move

Five Principles of the Historical Film

Rutgers University Press

Making History Move builds upon decades of scholarship investigating history in visual culture, proposing a methodology of five principles to analyze history in moving images in the digital age, charting a path to understand the form of history with the most significant impact on public perceptions of the past.

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Funny Boy

The Richard Hunt Biography

Rutgers University Press

This biography tells the story of Muppet performer Richard Hunt, who created a colorful range of characters on The Muppet Show, Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock, and crammed an extraordinary career into only 40 years of life. Funny Boy is about a man who used humor, joy and resilience to adapt to life’s surprises while entertaining millions. 

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Christianity and Comics

Stories We Tell about Heaven and Hell

Rutgers University Press

This book presents an 80-year history of how the comics industry has drawn inspiration from biblical imagery, stories, and themes. Charting how comics have both reflected and influenced Americans’ changing attitudes towards religion, it includes underground comix, books from Christian publishers, and a vast array of DC, Marvel, and Dark Horse titles, from Hellboy to Preacher.   

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Born in the U.S.A.

Bruce Springsteen in American Life, 3rd edition, Revised and Expanded

Rutgers University Press

Pioneering the field of Springsteen scholarship when it first appeared in 1997, Born in the U.S.A. remains one of the definitive studies of Springsteen’s work and its impact on American culture. This fully revised third edition addresses Springsteen’s evolving attitudes toward politics, religion, masculinity, and racial justice in the 21st century. 

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Queer Newark

Stories of Resistance, Love, and Community

Edited by Whitney Strub; Epilogue by Zenzele Isoke
Rutgers University Press

Queer Newark charts an alternate history of LGBTQ life in America where working-class people of color are the central actors. Uncovering the sites and people of Newark’s queer past in bars, discos, ballrooms, and churches, these essays reveal how violence, poverty, and homophobia could never suppress joy, resistance, love, and desire.

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Queer Newark

Stories of Resistance, Love, and Community

Edited by Whitney Strub; Epilogue by Zenzele Isoke
Rutgers University Press

Queer Newark charts an alternate history of LGBTQ life in America where working-class people of color are the central actors. Uncovering the sites and people of Newark’s queer past in bars, discos, ballrooms, and churches, these essays reveal how violence, poverty, and homophobia could never suppress joy, resistance, love, and desire.

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