Field Guide to the Grasses of Oregon and Washington
With 18 additional species, updated names, new keys, and improved photos and maps, the second edition of Field Guide to the Grasses of Oregon and Washington provides an in-depth and refreshed treatment of both native and introduced grasses that grow wild in Oregon and Washington and their neighboring states and provinces.
Saving the Big Sky
A Chronicle of Land Conservation in Montana
Beautifully illustrated with more than ninety color photographs and thirty detailed maps, Saving the Big Sky showcases land conservation achievements across eight regions of the state: the Rocky Mountain Front, the Blackfoot Valley, the Greater Yellowstone, the Missoula Region, the Helena Region, Northwest Montana, the Flathead Indian Reservation, and the American Prairie.
First Fruits
The Lewellings and the Birth of the Pacific Coast Fruit Industry
First Fruits offers a fascinating look at the lives of Pacific Coast horticulturists Henderson, Jonathan, and Seth Lewelling.
High Desert, Higher Costs
Bend and the Housing Crisis in the American West
In High Desert, Higher Costs, Jonathan Bach takes a closer look at the housing crisis in this mid-sized city that is both the population center for rural Central Oregon and a major recreation area.
A Reverence for Rivers
Imagining an Ethic for Running Waters
In A Reverence for Rivers, Kurt Fausch draws on his experience as a stream ecologist, his interest in Indigenous cultures, and a thoughtful consideration of environmental ethics to explore human values surrounding freshwater ecosystems.
Indigenous Critical Reflections on Traditional Ecological Knowledge
With more than fifty contributors, Indigenous Critical Reflections on Traditional Ecological Knowledge offers important perspectives by Indigenous Peoples on Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Indigenous value systems.
Toward Oregon 2050
Planning a Better Future
How do we plan for a better Oregon in 2050? What will the state be like in that year for five million Oregonians, particularly for the least privileged and powerful residents? In this compelling volume, leading experts in land use and urban planning envision various possible futures and begin the work of developing statewide plans to guide Oregon through the decades ahead.
Listening to Survivors
Four Decades of Holocaust Memorial Week at Oregon State University
Listening to Survivors presents the voices of nineteen Holocaust survivors and two witnesses who shared their personal experiences with audiences at Oregon State University over the past four decades as part of the university’s Holocaust Memorial Week observance.
River of Renewal
Myth and History in the Klamath Basin
River of Renewal tells the remarkable story of the Klamath Basin, which spans the Oregon-California border, from the first human habitation of the region to restoration of the watershed and its wildlife after removal of the Klamath River’s four hydroelectric dams.
Virginia's Apple
Collected Memoirs
The fourteen literary memoirs collected in Virginia’s Apple explore pivotal episodes across poet and writer Judith Barrington’s life. Artfully crafted, each one stands alone yet they are linked—characters reappear and, taken together, the pieces create a larger narrative.