Showing 301-337 of 337 items.

Modeling the Environment, Second Edition

Island Press

Modeling the Environment was the first textbook in an emerging field—the modeling techniques that allow managers and researchers to see in advance the consequences of actions and policies in environmental management. This new edition brings the book thoroughly up to date and reaffirms its status as the leading introductory text on the subject.
System dynamics is one of the most widely used methods of modeling. The fundamental principles of this approach are demonstrated here with a wide range of examples, including geohydrology, population biology, epidemiology, and economics. The applications demonstrate the transferability of the systems approach across disciplines, across spatial scales, and across time scales. All of the models are implemented with stock and flow software programs such as Stella and Vensim, which are easy for students to learn and use.
Visit for valuable classroom materials.

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Building an Emerald City

A Guide to Creating Green Building Policies and Programs

Island Press
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Public Produce

The New Urban Agriculture

Island Press
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Floodplain Management

A New Approach for a New Era

Island Press

Floodplain Management outlines a new paradigm for flood management, one that emphasizes cost-effective, long-term success by integrating physical, chemical, and biological systems with societal capabilities.

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Planning for Global Competitiveness

Island Press
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Tales of Ocean Fragility

Island Press, World Conservation Union
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Resilient Cities

Responding to Peak Oil and Climate Change

Island Press
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Urban Transformation

Understanding City Form and Design

Island Press
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Creating Vibrant Public Spaces

Streetscape Design in Commercial and Historic Districts

Island Press
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Cities as Sustainable Ecosystems

Principles and Practices

Island Press
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The Option of Urbanism

Investing in a New American Dream

Island Press

Shows how the American Dream is shifting to include cities as well as suburbs and how the financial and real estate communities need to respond to build communities that are more environmentally, socially, and financially sustainable.

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Polar Bears

Proceedings of the 14th Working Meeting of the IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group, 20-24 June 2005, Seattle, Washington, USA

Island Press, World Conservation Union

These proceedings provide an overview of the ongoing research and management activities on polar bears in the circumpolar arctic. Together with the previous 13 proceedings, they provide an historic record of international efforts in protecting, studying and managing polar bears. With recent documentation of how warmer arctic climate might affect the sea ice habitat of polar bears, the predictions of even warmer climate in the next decades, and documentation of effects on polar bears subpopulations, an evaluation of the red list status of polar bear subpopulations was followed by an increased conservation designation of vulnerable. In the complexity of possible interactions between climate change, local harvest, and in some areas high levels of pollutants, an increased level of international cooperation was advocated.

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A Practitioner's Guide to Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation

Island Press

A Practitioner's Guide to Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation brings together knowledge and experience from conservation practitioners and experts around the world to help readers understand the global challenge of conserving biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems.

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The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants

Wild Plants at the Brink of Extinction and What Is Needed to Save Them

Island Press, World Conservation Union

The flora of the Mediterranean islands includes many rare and localized species unique to the islands. Some of these are particularly threatened with extinction due to various pressures caused by people and their activities in Mediterranean ecosystems. It includes 50 descriptive sheets of species which are especially threatened, based on the IUCN Red List criteria. Each sheet gives a description of the species with illustrations and maps, emphasizing the threats to the species, existing conservation measures and additional measures needed for their conservation. Aimed at the layman, the text is easily accessible to the non-botanist.

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Earth in Mind

On Education, Environment, and the Human Prospect

Island Press

The crises we face, noted educator David Orr explains, is one of mind, perception, and values. It is, first and foremost, an educational challenge.

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Ex Situ Plant Conservation

Supporting Species Survival In The Wild

Edited by Edward O. Guerrant, Kayri Havens-Young, and Michael Maunder; Foreword by Peter H. Raven; By Center for Plant Conservation
Island Press

Ex Situ Plant Conservation outlines the role, value, and limits of ex situ conservation as well as updating best management practices for the field.

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Environmental Land Use Planning and Management

Island Press

Environmental Land Use Planning and Management is a unique new textbook that presents a diverse, comprehensive, and coordinated approach to issues of land use planning and management and their impacts on the environment.

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Ecosystems and Human Well-Being

A Framework For Assessment

By Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Island Press
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Alternative Futures for Changing Landscapes

The Upper San Pedro River Basin In Arizona And Sonora

Island Press

Alternative Futures for Changing Landscapes presents for the first time in book form a detailed case study of one alternative futures project — an analysis of development and conservation options for the Upper San Pedro River Basin in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico.

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Ranching West of the 100th Meridian

Culture, Ecology, and Economics

Island Press

Ranching West of the 100th Meridian offers a literary and thought-provoking look at ranching and its role in the changing West.

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Management Guidelines for IUCN Category V Protected Areas

Protected Areas Protected Landscapes / Seascapes,

Island Press, World Conservation Union
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A Guide to Careers in Community Development

Island Press

A Guide to Careers in Community Development is an essential reference for anyone interested in working in the community development field, including graduate and undergraduate students.

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Landscape Conservation Law

Present Trends and Perspectives in International and Comparative Law

By IUCN Commission on Environmental Law, IUCN Environmental Law Centre, and IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas
Island Press, World Conservation Union
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Curassaows, Guans, and Chachalacas

Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan for Cracids 2000-2004

By IUCN/SSC Cracid Specialist Group
Island Press, World Conservation Union
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African Antelope Database 1998

Edited by Rod East
Island Press, World Conservation Union

Although most antelope species still exist in large numbers in sub-Saharan Africa (some in hundreds of thousands), up to three-quarters of the species are in decline. Threats to their survival arise from the rapid growth of human and livestock populations, with consequent degradation and destruction of natural habitats, and excessive offtake by meat hunters. In addition, some parts of Africa are mow almost completely devoid of large wild animals because of uncontrolled slaughter during recent civil wars. This report presents the information currently held by the IUCN/SSC Antelope Specialist Group on the conservation status of each antelope species (and selected subspecies) in sub-Saharan Africa. Key areas have been identified for the conservation of representative antelope communities. While external donors make the greatest contributions to the conservation of antelopes, greater recognition of wildlife conservation in national and regional development plans is often a critically important requirement.

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North American Rodents

Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan

Island Press, World Conservation Union
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Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan

By IUCN/SSC Conifer Specialist Group
Island Press, World Conservation Union

This action plan assess conifer diversity and its threats. It is unique among IUCN's Plant Action Plans so far published, in that it gives the complete global red list of conifers using the 1994 IUCN Red List Categories and criteria. Data is analyzed to identify "conifer hot spots", where conservation should be a priority, and a short-list of threatened species is prioritized.

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Betrayal of Science and Reason

How Anti-Environmental Rhetoric Threatens Our Future

Island Press
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Strategies for sustainability

Latin America

Island Press, World Conservation Union

A series of regional reviews of multi-sectoral strategies for sustainability at the national, provincial, and local levels, complementing the volume on "Strategies for national sustainable development". This volume summarizes the status of strategies in the region, reviews and analyses case studies to provide an analytical history and status report on each strategy. The information has hitherto not been available, and will be very valuable for practitioners and policy makers, as well as for students of development.

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The Rain Forests of Home

Profile Of A North American Bioregion

Island Press
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Guidelines for Cave and Karst Protection

By WCPA Working Group on Cave and Karst Protection
Island Press, World Conservation Union
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Creating a Forestry for the 21st Century

The Science Of Ecosytem Management

Island Press
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Reinventing Nature?

Responses To Postmodern Deconstruction

Island Press
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