Showing 51-60 of 110 items.

Corporate Social Responsibility and the State

International Approaches to Forest Co-Regulation

UBC Press

This book provides a clear theoretical lens and practical guidance on the prospects and limits of leveraging private corporate social responsibility standards, such as forest certification, alongside government regulatory efforts to achieve more effective and adaptive sustainability solutions.

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Wet Prairie

People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba

UBC Press

This in-depth exploration of surface water management in southern Manitoba reveals how coping with environmental realities has altered both residents’ relations with each other and their ideas about the role of the state.

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Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change

Island Press

This provocative and engaging work emerges from Calthorpe’s belief that, just as the last fifty years produced massive changes in our culture, economy and environment, the next fifty will generate changes of an even more profound nature.

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Principles of Brownfield Regeneration

Cleanup, Design, and Reuse of Derelict Land

Island Press

The first book to provide an accessible introduction to the design, policy, and technical issues related to redevelopment of "brownfields" – idle property whose development or improvement is impaired by contamination.

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Spirits of Our Whaling Ancestors

Revitalizing Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth Traditions

UBC Press

Following the revival of the gray whale hunt by the Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth tribes in the Pacific Northwest, this books looks at the significance of whaling to these societies, exploring environmentalism, animal rights, and what it means to be “Indian.”

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Managed Annihilation

An Unnatural History of the Newfoundland Cod Collapse

UBC Press

By examining one of the largest natural resource management failures of the twentieth century – the collapse of the Newfoundland cod fishery – this book seeks to understand the history of, and possible alternatives to, managerial responses to environmental issues.

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The Aquaculture Controversy in Canada

Activism, Policy, and Contested Science

UBC Press

A comprehensive examination of the aquaculture controversy in Canada.

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What Is Water?

The History of a Modern Abstraction

UBC Press

A history of the modern concept of water that traces how a scientific abstraction has helped to produce a global crisis.

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The Industrial Transformation of Subarctic Canada

UBC Press

A revealing history of human impact in the Canadian North, this book focuses on the causes and consequences of the industries that replaced the fur trade.

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Forestry and Biodiversity

Learning How to Sustain Biodiversity in Managed Forests

UBC Press

Sustaining biodiversity in managed forests is a complex problem, but the authors argue that it can be done -- through adaptive management, which they describe as a structured approach to “learning by doing.”

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