Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care
568 pages, 7 12/25 x 9 61/100
Release Date:29 Apr 2016
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Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care

Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Handspring Publishing

The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care is a professional-level textbook with contributions by multiple expert researchers and therapists in the field.

This book brings together the science and the practice of yoga therapysupports the emergence of yoga therapy as a credible professioncomprehensively summarizes research findings and their practical implications for professionals who use yoga or refer patients for yoga practiceincludes chapter contributions by leading biomedical researchers of yogareviews the scientific evidence base for yoga for a wide variety of medical conditionsProvides brief contributions by expert yoga therapists describing practical implementation issues relevant to yoga for specific conditions.The editors include three eminent yoga therapy researchers and one renowned practitioner in the field. They have brought together an experienced team of researchers and yoga therapist contributors.


Section 1: Introduction to Yoga and Yoga Therapy

1. Introduction to yoga in health care

2. History, philosophy and practice of yoga

3. History, philosophy and practice of yoga therapy

4. Research on the psychophysiology of yoga

Section 2: Mental Health Conditions

5. Yoga therapy for depression

6. Yoga therapy for anxiety

7. Yoga therapy for other mental health conditions

Section 3: Musculoskeletal and Neurological Conditions

8. Yoga therapy for back conditions

9. Yoga therapy for musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions

10. Yoga therapy for neurological and immune conditions

Section 4: Endocrine Conditions

11. Yoga therapy for diabetes

12. Yoga therapy for metabolic syndrome and weight control

Section 5: Cardiorespiratory Conditions

13. Yoga therapy for heart disease

14. Yoga therapy for hypertension

15. Yoga therapy for respiratory conditions

Section 6: Cancer

16. Yoga therapy during cancer treatment

17. Yoga therapy for cancer survivors

Section 7: Special Populations

18. Yoga therapy for pediatrics

19. Yoga therapy for geriatrics

20. Yoga therapy for obstetrics and gynaecology

21. Yoga as prevention and wellness

Section 8: Practical and Future Considerations

22. Implementation of yoga therapy

23. Future directions in research and clinical care

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