Transnational Marriage and Partner Migration
Constellations of Security, Citizenship, and Rights
This multidisciplinary collection investigates how marriage and partner migration processes have become the object of state scrutiny for control and exclusion in several states around the world. Covering cases across several countries, contributors offer a compelling multidisciplinary perspective on the interplay between security, citizenship and rights as experienced by migrants, policymakers, and actors who negotiate encounters with the state.
The Politics of International Marriage in Japan
Focusing on three cultural/ethnic groups in terms of empirical data - women from the former Soviet Union countries, the Philippines, and Western countries - this book highlights the complex interplay between national, cultural, gender, and ethnicity boundary maintenance that constructs international marriages in Japan at multiple levels, providing a comprehensive account of international marriage in the contemporary Japanese context.
Intimate Connections
Love and Marriage in Pakistan’s High Mountains
Intimate Connections
Love and Marriage in Pakistan's High Mountains
Global Dynamics of Shi'a Marriages
Religion, Gender, and Belonging
Global Dynamics of Shi'a Marriages
Religion, Gender, and Belonging
Marriage, Gender and Refugee Migration
Spousal Relationships among Somali Muslims in the United Kingdom
This ethical and poetical ethnography analyzes the upheavals to gender roles and marital relationships brought about by refugee migration to the UK. Unmoored from the socio-cultural norms that made them men and women, Somali migrants find "everything" to be "different, mixed up, upside down." The book finds that the most significant catalysts for challenging harmful gender practices are a combination of the welfare system and Islamic praxis.