Showing 21-30 of 52 items.

Big Promises, Small Government

Doing Less with Less in the BC Liberal New Era

UBC Press

Big Promises, Small Government tells the inside story of what happened when Gordon Campbell’s government dramatically cut taxes, demonstrating the need to understand the consequences before taking political action.

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A Great Revolutionary Wave

Women and the Vote in British Columbia

UBC Press

The first book on the woman’s suffrage movement in British Columbia, A Great Revolutionary Wave traces the history of the fight for the vote from the 1870s to the 1940s against a backdrop of social reform, international social movements, labour politics, and settler colonialism.

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Canada and Ireland

A Political and Diplomatic History

UBC Press

This intriguing study sheds light on Canada’s relationship with Ireland, revealing the origins, trials, and successes of the intimate and at times turbulent connection between the two countries.

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The Good Fight

Marcel Cadieux and Canadian Diplomacy

UBC Press

The Good Fight is the insightful and entertaining biography of arguably the most important francophone diplomat and civil servant in Canadian history.

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Duty to Dissent

Henri Bourassa and the First World War

UBC Press

This revisionist account of Henri Bourassa’s writings and times reshapes our understanding of why Quebec diverged from the rest of Canada when it came to war.

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Bootstraps Need Boots

One Tory’s Lonely Fight to End Poverty in Canada

UBC Press, On Point Press

In this deeply personal memoir, Hugh Segal looks back on a life that took him from childhood poverty to the heights of Canadian politics and how these early experiences shaped his life-long advocacy for the poor.

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To Be Equals in Our Own Country

Women and the Vote in Quebec

UBC Press

To Be Equals in Our Own Country chronicles the bitter struggle for women’s suffrage in Quebec, the last province to grant Canadian women this fundamental human right.

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Reassessing the Rogue Tory

Canadian Foreign Relations in the Diefenbaker Era

UBC Press

By uncovering new sources of research and applying innovative analysis, Reassessing the Rogue Tory challenges standard interpretations of Canadian foreign policy during the controversial Diefenbaker years.

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Our Voices Must Be Heard

Women and the Vote in Ontario

UBC Press

Our Voices Must Be Heard examines the ideals and failings of Ontario’s suffrage history, its daring supporters and thunderous enemies, and its blind spots on matters of race and class.

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The Last Suffragist Standing

The Life and Times of Laura Marshall Jamieson

UBC Press

The Last Suffragist Standing is an unprecedented study of a pioneering Canadian suffragist and politician and an illuminating work on the history of feminism, socialism, internationalism, and activism in Canada.

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