Marilyn Francus
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Writing Lives in the Eighteenth Century
Edited by Tanya M. Caldwell
Bucknell University Press
Writing Lives in the Eighteenth Century is a collection of essays on memoir, biography, and autobiography during a formative period for the genre. Employing the methodology William Godwin outlined for novelists of taking material “from all sources, experience, report, and the records of human affairs,” each contributor examines within the contexts of their time and historical traditions the anxieties and imperatives of the auto/biographer as she or he shapes material into a legacy.
- Copyright year: 2020
Community and Solitude
New Essays on Johnson’s Circle
Edited by Anthony W Lee
Bucknell University Press
This collection explores relationships between Samual Johnson and several of his main contemporaries—James Boswell, Edmund Burke, Frances Burney, Robert Chambers, Oliver
Goldsmith, Bennet Langton, Arthur Murphy, Richard Savage, Anna Seward, and Thomas Warton—and analyzes some of the literary productions emanating from the pressures within
those relationships.
Goldsmith, Bennet Langton, Arthur Murphy, Richard Savage, Anna Seward, and Thomas Warton—and analyzes some of the literary productions emanating from the pressures within
those relationships.
- Copyright year: 2019
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